In the wake of the leaked SCOTUS draft indicating the likelihood that the high court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists who have targeted conservative justices also plan to disrupt services at Catholic churches this Sunday in a “Mother’s Day Strike.”
Showing that they have no more respect for religious liberty than they do for the independence of the Supreme Court, extreme Leftist pro-abortion activists have called for their foot soldiers to descend on Catholic churches Sunday and disrupt services. That they have planned these attacks on Mother’s Day is no coincidence — the very idea of motherhood is lost on these miscreants, as is the idea of the sacred nature of Christian liturgy.
As the Washington Examiner is reporting:
Pro-abortion activists are planning protests in churches on Mother’s Day and are preparing visits to Supreme Court justices’ homes next week to express anger over an anticipated ruling overturning legalized abortion.
The activist group “Ruth Sent Us,” named for the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is challenging people to protest inside a Catholic Church on Sunday and it published a map purporting to show Republican-appointed justices’ homes for a “Walk-by Wednesday” demonstration.
As this writer covered in a previous article, conservative Supreme Court justices have been doxxed and targeted. Their addresses were published and pro-abortion foot soldiers have been encouraged to show up at their homes in a blatant attempt to intimidate them ahead of the court’s anticipated ruling on Roe in June.
But not satisfied to merely interfere with the Supreme Court, pro-abortion activists are planning to attack the organization they see as the real enemy of their godless position: The Catholic Church. In a tweet calling pro-abortion foot soldiers to “chant in your local church,” Ruth Sent Us wrote:
Whether you’re a “Catholic for Choice”, ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe. Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8. #WarOnWomen #MothersDayStrike
That tweet includes a video of Ruth Sent Us activists disrupting a Catholic Mass and chanting, “Without this basic right, women can’t be free; Abortion on demand and without apology.” Parishioners attempt to get them to leave, but they hang around, chanting and capturing video of their stunt. It is hard to say which is sadder: that their darkened minds see the murder of an unborn child as a “basic right” or that they would intrude on and interrupt a religious service in an effort to make a video to promote that point.
As the Washington Examiner points out, not all of the justices targeted by Ruth Sent Us are Catholic, but that does not matter to the activists. Since the Catholic Church has never wavered on its stance that life — from conception to natural death — is sacred and warrants protection, it is a target of the pro-abortion activist group. As the Washington Post reports:
The activists, however, believe protesting at churches and at the justices’ homes is in keeping with their beliefs of “Women Deserve Trust,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Love is Love,” and “No Human Is Illegal.”
Catholic churches are no strangers to attack from pro-abortion activists. As an example, Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Boulder, Colorado, was recently the recipient of “tolerance” from the Left. As CBS4 in Denver reported:
Criminals sharing abortion-rights sentiments targeted a church in Boulder Tuesday night, smashing windows and spray painting Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Boulder. The Catholic church, and the Archdiocese in Denver, said the vandalism to the property will cost thousands of dollars to repair.
The vandalism was not a surprise to the victims. Mark Haas, spokesperson for the Archdiocese, said, “Once again a parish community showed up for a morning mass and had to walk in and witness that their parish had been targeted,” adding, “I hate to say it. I was not surprised to learn of this, this morning.”
From CBS4:
Haas said the Archdiocese had suspected the possibility of targeted vandalism if the Supreme Court elected to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling. However, they were not expecting it to happen until June at the earliest.
Haas said the church was saddened to be expecting possible vandalism due to their anti-abortion rights beliefs.
“People just have so much hatred in their hearts. We pray for them,” one parishioner told CBS4 as he worked to cleanup the vandalism.
With Ruth Sent Us directing action against Catholic churches, CatholicVote is issuing a warning to churches to “beware this Sunday.” In an e-mail to subscribers, the pro-life Catholic group wrote:
In the wake of this week’s brazen leak of Justice Alito’s Dobbs draft opinion, the wrath of pro-abortion activists has been unleashed.
A group named “Ruth Sent Us” is now calling for disruption and violence in Catholic churches, as well as protests outside the private homes of Supreme Court justices and their families. These radicals even published the justices’ home addresses.
They know the Catholic Church has for 2,000 years protected vulnerable mothers and their infants against all odds. And they hate us for it.
And while writing about the evils of Ruth Sent Us, CatholicVote leveled blame at President Biden, as well, writing, “But our ‘Catholic’ president has been silent. He has failed to condemn these domestic terrorist threats against his own people.” The e-mail adds, “Shame on him.”
And there is the rub. Democrats such as Biden have empowered groups such as Ruth Sent Us to turn their foot-soldier thugs loose to terrorize and intimidate both the church and the Supreme Court in an effort to force their broken vision on America. As CatholicVote wrote:
Anti-Catholic zealots are plotting to intimidate and harass Catholics across the country, along with justices and their families. This country was built on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The President of the United States must stand up for both.
These threats follow a record number of attacks on Catholic churches, shrines, and symbols over the past two years. Just this week another Catholic church in Boulder, CO was desecrated by pro-abortion activists. We call on responsible leaders in Washington to unequivocally condemn these dangerous threats before they lead to violence, or worse.
As zealots — both anti-Catholic and pro-abortion — attack the Supreme Court and the Catholic Church, Biden and his fellow Democrats sit by waiting to reap the benefits. Perhaps they should prepare to reap the consequences as Americans who value life — both born and unborn — come together to hold them accountable in the upcoming midterm elections.