Four female students, with the support of their parents, are suing a Michigan school district over a policy that allows males to use female bathrooms and locker rooms. The Vicksburg, Michigan, school district claims that the issue is out of their hands and that they are only following federal guidelines and Michigan state law.
The lawsuit lists the students as Jane Does, since they are minors. They are seeking, among other things, a declaration that the district’s actions and practice violate their constitutional right to privacy, a declaration that the district’s actions were a violation of the Michigan School Reform Act, and a permanent injunction against the policy, along with a promise that only girls will be allowed in spaces designated for girls and vice versa for boys.
In March, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Senate Bill 4, which is described as civil rights protection for sexual orientation and gender identity. Apparently, one of those protections allows biological males to use restrooms and locker rooms designated for females.
But many female students are afraid to use the restroom because of the chance they’ll encounter a male in there. The lawsuit alleges that the girls’ right to privacy is being infringed upon “by allowing male students to dress as girls and use the girls’ multi-user private restrooms and locker rooms.”
“This case is about the intentional violation of children’s fundamental right to bodily privacy contrary to constitutional and statutory principles, including the Fourteenth Amendment,” the lawsuit states.
In addition, the lawsuit claims that the school district changed the policy without informing the students or parents.
“By forcing Plaintiffs and other female students to endure this type of discrimination and harassment and by failing to provide a safe educational environment for the Plaintiffs and other female students, the School District intentionally and purposefully caused Plaintiffs’ privacy to be violated,” the lawsuit said. “Indeed, the School District did not inform Plaintiffs or their Guardians, before they implemented this policy that they were permitting students of the male sex to enter locker rooms and restrooms of students of the female sex in order to use the toilet and fully expose themselves.”
The lawsuit claims that the transgender-friendly policy is not female-friendly:
By adopting gender identity theory as the basis for regulating access to private facilities, Defendants are violating sex discrimination law by not protecting students based on sex, but instead imposing an individual’s subjective perception of their gender on other students who value their privacy based on anatomical differences between the sexes.
In an August 14 district meeting, school board president Virgil Knowles acknowledged that the situation was uncomfortable.
“I understand this is tough,” he said.
“I am not going to sit here and make a statement on whether we agree or disagree,” Knowles told irate parents. “Current binding case law in Michigan requires public schools to allow all students, including transgender students, to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identification.”
“The district recognizes that providing students with a safe and supportive educational environment is of the utmost importance,” Knowles explained. “The district’s policies prohibit discrimination, bullying and harassment on the basis of sex, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Transgender activists have become quite aggressive about which bathroom they use. In March, TikTok user @tara_vs_tw encouraged transgender individuals to take up arms against those who would insist that males use men’s rooms and females use women’s rooms.
“I dare you to try and stop me from going into a women’s bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make,” the TikTok user threatened.
The fear that young women are feeling about sharing facilities with males is real. Consider the case of the “gender fluid” biological male in Loudoun County, Virginia, in 2021. The criminal violently sexually assaulted two girls in bathrooms he was allowed to enter because of liberal transgender bathroom policies.
At some point, policies such as the one implemented by the Vicksburg school district need to be called out for what they are — state sponsored perversion.