MSNBC’s Reid: White Christians in Iowa Are “Overrepresented” and Hate “Brown People”
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Joy Reid
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

It goes without saying that if a white conservative commentator said about black voters what MSNBC’s black racialist Joy Reid said about white Iowa voters, the white commentator’s career would be over.

Caput. Canceled. Finished. Forever.

Not so with Reid. As Iowa Republicans voted in caucuses on Monday to give Donald Trump the largest margin of victory since Bob Dole’s record-breaking win in 1996, she averred that white Christian Hawkeye Staters are a problem because they are “overrepresented.” And they don’t much care for “brown people,” either, she claimed.

They are, in a word, racists.

What She Said

Reid is a nut on the subject of white Americans and “religious extremism,” and babbled on about it at length a few months ago. But last night she reached a new low in her race to the bottom. 

The leftist extremist called white Iowans a bunch of yahoo bigots without using the R word. Of course, she didn’t have to.

“These are white Christians,” Reid said. “This is a state that is overrepresented by white Christians that are going to participate tonight.… This is a hyper evangelical, white state.”

Complaining that Iowa is a 61-percent white Christian state, the blond-haired Reid quoted an author who said those voters “see themselves as the rightful inheritors of this country, and Trump has promised to give it back to them.”

Then Reid continued an anti-white rant:

All the things we think about, about electability, about, you know, what are people gaining … none of that matters. When you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a white, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American, is a less real American, then you don’t care about electability. You care about what God has given you.

But that wasn’t enough. “White evangelical Christians of a certain mindset … [think] that they own this country” and that the Christian religion feeds what she clearly thinks is white supremacist ideology:

It is religion. And I think what we have to actually confront — and this is what the Democrats are going to face — is this is now what white evangelicalism is. It is Christian nationalism. That’s the name of it, right?

Those awful white Iowans don’t like brown people, even Republican brown people, Reid said, like South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and biotech tycoon Vivek Ramaswamy, both of whom are Indians.

Those whites think “that immigrants, that brown people, that Hindus like Vivek Ramaswamy and his wife are illegitimate Americans. They are less legitimate Americans than they are.”

Continued Reid:

They’re not trying to convince people and win people over through politics. What they’re saying is, “we own this country, and everyone will bow down to us.”

And white voters chose Trump over Haley and Ramaswamy because of their race:

The elephant in the room is she is still a brown lady who has to try to win in a party that is deeply anti-immigrant and accepts the notion that you can say immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.

“I don’t care how much the donor class likes her,” Reid burbled on. “I don’t see how she becomes the nominee of that party with Donald Trump still around, I can’t picture it happening.”

And “Ron DeSantis’ only argument for staying in it is he’s the white guy, that he can still make the appeal to white people.”

And that anti-white, anti-Christian rant wasn’t Reid’s first.

“Organized religion has, shall we say, a colorfully mixed history,” she said in September. “Right now, religious extremism mixed with white nationalism and that Trump cult of personality are straining our society and our democracy to the breaking point.”

She delivered those remarks in front of a large graphic that read “The Origins of White Supremacy” that featured a cross and combed morion that the Spanish conquistadors wore.


The reaction was entirely predictable.

“Imagine if a white joy reid said that ‘its a state over represented by Black Christians … etc,” movie director Robert Davi posted on X:

i would say they are a disgusting ignorant elite bigot ! If she said this-  something needs to be done to hold her accountable for fanning racism and bigotry

“Joe Biden turned around his whole campaign in South Carolina. 60% of SC democratic primary voters were black in 2020 despite making up only 13% of the national population,” wrote Sean Fitzgerald of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. “Was Joy Reid crying about disproportionate black influence on the democratic primary? You know the answer”

Black conservative Carol Swain slapped Reid upside her blonde head:

I’m flummoxed by Joy Reid’s decision to wear what looks like a wig or toupee featuring a hair color we associate with Caucasians. Isn’t she engaging in cultural appropriation? 

As of now, Reid has not apologized and still has a job.

H/T: Daily Mail, New York Post