Caucaphobia Marches On: Biden Official Calls Whites “Snow Roaches”
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In the run-up to and during the Rwandan genocide in 1994, Hutu extremists on radio would call the targeted group, the Tutsis, “cockroaches.” This makes it even more notable that, it has emerged, a Biden administration media official posted derogatory remarks about whites on the internet — this included calling them “snow roaches.”

Per Fox News:

X account End Wokeness said Friday it uncovered an account belonging to USAGM [United States Agency for Global Media] Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Director of IT Operations James “J.R.” Reeves that has posted several belittling comments about White people. The USAGM, which is made up of six state-owned entities including Voice of America, quickly said it “does not condone intolerance in any form” and would investigate the claims.

… The account allegedly connected to Reeves recently wrote, “Cry about it, snow roaches” to caption a meme that stated, “Keep the Immigrants, Deport the Racists.” The account also responded to several messages by calling the user a “snow roach” and suggesting they were uneducated or racist.

“Last time I checked it’s the snow roaches that are mad about immigrants,” the account wrote on Feb. 12, while another message posted the same day said, “Like the other snow roaches, resort to racist tropes when you can’t construct a logical argument. Clearly uneducated. Stat triggered,” according to a video posted by End Wokeness.

Another post from the account said, “You believe all the talking points from the ‘Republicans.’ Plus you’re a racist t–t. Immigrants to not have more rights. But just to help I’ve taken in multiple immigrant families to help! Now stay triggered! #snowroach.”

End Wokeness’ exposé-oriented tweets follow.

Oh, and per federal requirements, Reeves is now on paid administrative leave. That’ll teach ’im!

Of course, though, we wouldn’t want Reeves to starve. As to the prospect of this, “United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) records show James L Reeves held one job from 2019 to 2022,” informs “One of the most recent records in 2022 lists a job of Information Technology Management and a pay of $183,456. This is 102.7 percent higher than the average pay for co-workers and 164.5 percent higher than the national average for government employees.” (Hat tip: American Thinker.)

But it isn’t just monetary privilege Reeves enjoys, but the double-standard-oriented type, too, observers point out. That is, what would happen if a white official characterized black people with any kind of cockroach epithet?

“We all know very well that if races were reversed here James Reeves would be immediately fired,” answers popular X user Paul A. Szypula. “Sadly, antiwhiteism is being widely promoted by the current administration.”

So is incompetence (and the two do correspond). As American Thinker writes, with Reeves’ kind of temperament, does it sound as if he

could get hired anywhere? Who the heck hired this rabid hater who couldn’t stop fighting with some stranger on Twitter, and kept on and on with his hate-speech, quite possibly on company time?

… This freak is just the latest in a series of questional [sic] characters burrowing their way into the government and then spewing out their contempt for the taxpayers and citizens. We had Sam Brinton regulating nuclear waste at the Department of Energy. We still have Amy McFadden over at the CIA. The list is enormous [relevant tweet below] and plenty of these people never get ousted for moral turpitude or zero professionalism….

Unfortunately, it’s almost certain Reeves won’t do any soul searching; after all, pseudo-elite society rubber-stamps his attitude. That is, aside from the continual preaching about “white privilege” and “white supremacy,” consider recent stories.

It was just revealed that a London theater is offering segregated, “black-only” performances for a show titled Slave Play so that black attendees could be “free from the white gaze.”

MSNBC just hosted guests who called white rural voters “racist” and “the most dangerous ‘geodemographic’ group in America,” relates Fox News.

Next, there’s the following headline from this very week: “‘Woke’ Church of England Includes Anti-Racist Officer Who ‘Deconstructs Whiteness.’”

Then there are older headlines:

For more examples, click here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

An irony to this is that a 2020 study found what common sense dictates: The U.S. is actually one of the world’s least racist countries (though we could wonder if anti-white prejudice was considered).

So what’s going on here? Coming to mind is philosopher C.S. Lewis’ warning in The Screwtape Letters about how evil urges us to exaggerate our faults; how it may, as he put it, tell the militarist he’s too pacifistic and the pacifist that he’s too militaristic. In our case, evil convinces a land pathologically fixated on stamping out anti-black racism — to the point of becoming anti-white — that it’s still too anti-black.

Not only does this lead to racial injustice, but it also blinds us to other actual problems. After all, “racism” is merely a subcategory of Wrath — but there are six other Deadly Sins. And with sexual decadence and de facto child grooming now rampant, we’d be better served focusing on Lust, which, lamentably, our folderol-blinded eyes fancy “liberation” and “lifestyle choice.”

As for racism, it would be wise to heed advice black actor Morgan Freeman gave in 2005 when asked how it should be dealt with. His answer?

“Stop talking about it.”

Of course, this counsel won’t appeal to demagogues whose power and money derive from peddling racial grievance.