Uvalde Shooting Claims One More Victim; Husband of Teacher Dies of Heart Attack
Joe and Irma Garcia
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The senseless school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has claimed another victim. While preparing for the funeral of his wife — 46-year-old Irma Garcia, who was one of the teachers killed Tuesday — 50-year-old Joe Garcia suffered a fatal heart attack.

As Catholic News Agency reported, the couple — married 24 years — had been high-school sweethearts. They had four children: 23-year-old Cristian and three teenagers, Jose, Lyliana, and Alysandra.

Mr. Garcia was grief-stricken by his wife’s death, but was reported to be showing “a lot of strength.” His nephew says he “passed away due to grief.” The young man who killed 19 children and two teachers — including Mr. Garcia’s wife — killed Mr. Garcia, as well.

The New York Times reports:

Mr. Garcia, 50, had visited his wife’s memorial on Thursday morning to drop off flowers. When he got back home, he “pretty much just fell over,” Mr. Martinez said.

The couple had been married for 24 years and had four children, with the oldest 23 and the others teenagers.

Mr. Garcia had been stricken with grief after he lost his wife, Mr. Martinez said. “I’m really in shock right now,” he added.

Ms. Garcia, a teacher for more than two decades, was known as a steadfast optimist in her family. She would crack jokes at gatherings and sing her favorite classic rock tunes during parties, Mr. Martinez said.

“She’s always been optimistic about everything and just so loving with the people in her life,” said Mr. Martinez, 21, a student at Texas State University.

When the authorities went inside the classroom moments after the shooting, Mr. Martinez said, they “found her body there, embracing children in her arms pretty much until her last breath.”

And from Catholic News Agency:

Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller of San Antonio, who told CNA he met with Joe the day of the shooting, offered his condolences and prayers. He said a memorial Mass is set to take place at 6 p.m. CT at Sacred Heart Church in Uvalde, a four-minute drive from the elementary school.

The archbishop told CNA he had met with the family, including Joe and the children, the day after the shooting and described Mr. Garcia as showing “a lot of strength.”

García-Siller told CNA on Wednesday that he met with the husband and the couple’s three teenaged children the day of the shooting. The family belonged to the community of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, he said.

“I was able to meet the husband of one of the teachers who was killed, and the two daughters and son,” García-Siller said of Irma Garcia’s family.

He met with them at the SSGT Willie de Leon Civic Center, as they waited to hear what had happened to the wife and mother.

“The husband showed a lot of strength,” he told CNA. The three teenage children, he said at the time, were devastated.

The nephew tweeted Thursday:

EXTREMELY heartbreaking and come with deep sorrow to say that my Tia Irma’s husband Joe Garcia has passed away due to grief, i truly am at a loss for words for how we are all feeling, PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR FAMILY, God have mercy on us, this isn’t easy

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And God bless Uvalde and America.