Biden “Migrant” Ibarra Pleads Not Guilty in Laken Riley’s Brutal Murder
Bill Melugin/X
Laken Riley and Jose Ibarra
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The Biden “migrant” accused of the brutal murder of nursing student Laken Riley pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in a Georgia courtroom today.

Jose Ibarra, the 26-year-old illegal alien released by President Joe Biden’s immigration authorities at the border in 2022, appeared in Athens-Clarke County Superior Courthouse to claim he didn’t murder the young woman on February 22.

Accused of another crime before becoming the only suspect in Riley’s murder, Ibarra is one of the tens of thousands of dangerous Venezuelan illegals Biden has invited into the country. They include his two criminal brothers, whom Biden also released at the border.

The Crime, the Indictment

Riley, 22, met her end on a jogging trail on February 22 near the University of Georgia.

The 10-count indictment against Ibarra includes one count of malice murder “by inflicting blunt force trauma to her head and by asphyxiating her in a manner unknown to the grand jury.”

He also faces counts of felony murder while kidnapping with bodily injury, felony murder while committing aggravated assault to commit rape, felony murder while committing aggravated battery, and separate counts of aggravated battery, kidnapping with bodily injury, and aggravated assault to commit rape.

The other charges are evidence tampering, Peeping Tom, and obstructing or hindering a person making an emergency call.

Riley’s mother, Allyson Phillips, cried during the hearing.

For his part, Biden did more than release Ibarra at the border on September 8, 2022, Missouri GOP Senator Josh Hawley revealed during a Homeland Security Committee hearing last month.

On September 14, 2023, Ibarra was arrested for harming a child. But that charge was expunged, Hawley reminded Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during his testimony:

Nothing is done to this guy. He had a criminal record to start with. He’s in the country on illegal grounds. You have falsely and illegally allowed him in. He commits a crime against a child. He’s not prosecuted; it’s expunged.

In November — get this — in November, Ibarra files an application for employment authorization, and unbelievably, on December the 9th, 2023, it’s approved. So this is your policies in action, Mr. Secretary. A criminal is permitted into this country on grounds flatly not permitted, flatly contradictory to the statute. He commits a crime against a child, and then he gets a work permit.

So Biden twice enabled Ibarra to murder Riley.

No wonder GOP Georgia Representative Mike Collins said Riley’s blood is on Biden’s and Mayorkas’ hands.

Criminal Brothers

Unhappily, Jose Ibarra isn’t the only Ibarra whom Biden thought it would be a bright idea to release at the border.

He has two criminal brothers, Diego and Argenis, both arrested on February 23, the same day as Jose, pursuant to the Riley murder probe. They too received a free pass to terrorize Americans. Of the two, Diego appears to be the more dangerous.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) caught up with Diego when cops questioned him about Riley’s murder because he matched a description of the suspect. He used a fake green card to get a university job, from which he was subsequently fired.

Citing ICE, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that “Diego and Argenis Ibarra both reentered the United States illegally on April 30, 2023, near El Paso, Texas, ICE confirmed. It said Argenis Ibarra was released from the custody of U.S. Border Patrol ‘with a notice to appear’ on May 4, 2023”:

Diego Ibarra was placed by ICE in its Alternatives to Detention program on May 11, 2023, and released from custody the following day with the requirement that he wear an ankle monitor, the agency said. It said he was removed from the program and listed as an absconder on May 25, 2023, after cutting off his ankle monitor, which was ultimately located on the side of a road in Colorado.

A federal motion for detention explained just how dangerous Diego is. When border agents caught him on April 30 last year, he attacked and tried to bite one. That was just the beginning of his crimes.

On September 24, 2023, he was bagged for drunk driving, and two days later was involved in another crime. His girlfriend said he slapped her after taking her cell phone. That October and December, he was caught shoplifting at a Walmart.

But Diego is no run-of-mill shoplifter or petty criminal.

He’s affiliated with Tren de Aragua (TdA), the detention motion says, “a Venezuelan gang, which has been involved in recent violent confrontations with law enforcement and civilian victims in New York and elsewhere throughout the United States.” The 5,000-member TdA is the largest organized crime outfit in Venezuela.

Diego’s gang beat up two cops in New York City in January. It also uses mopeds and scooters for “organized retail theft,” said John Miller, former intelligence chief for the city cops.

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