Army Treats Soldiers to Pro-vaccine Presentation Featuring “Tenets of Satanism”
Courtney Hale/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

U.S. soldiers were recently subjected to a presentation on the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate that not only stated falsehoods as facts but also defended the Father of Lies from accusations that he was behind the vaccines.

The PowerPoint presentation, which was intended to allay troops’ fears about getting one of the mRNA shots, was leaked to Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, who displayed slides from it on his television show Tuesday.

The first slide Carlson showed was titled “Questions from Friday (QFF),” suggesting the presentation was a follow-up to an earlier one. The question on the slide is “How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?”

The correct answer, according to some, would be “at least a few, and possibly many more.” As The New American recently reported, “It is well documented that the COVID vaccines all involved use of cell lines from aborted fetuses in either the research and development stage, or in the manufacturing stage.”

The Army’s response, however, was to list the “7 Tenets of Satanism” as presented on the website of the Satanic Temple, presumably to show that Satanists are harmless, perfectly moral people interested only in kindness and justice. “One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason,” reads the first tenet — never mind the fact that “compassion and empathy” were largely scorned in the ancient world and only came to be seen as noble with the arrival of Christianity, the very antithesis of Satanism.

Maybe, though, the point of the slide was that the Satanists’ supposed fundamental beliefs are at odds with the vaccine mandate. “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” is about as clear a statement in opposition to forced injections as one could find. (Of course, the Satanic Temple mistakenly applies this to abortion, which they wholeheartedly support, as if that ghastly procedure involved only one body.) And how about this one: “Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs”? If “distort[ing] scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs” doesn’t describe what has happened in government and the media vis-à-vis COVID-19 in the last year-and-a-half, what does?

Indeed, as Carlson observed, “There is no scientific basis for any of this.” In all this time, just 46 servicemembers (out of a total of more than 1.3 million) have allegedly died of COVID-19. Meanwhile, Carlson noted, “in just a few months last year, 156 servicemen killed themselves.” But is the Pentagon launching an all-out assault on military suicides? No, instead it is forcing a fighting force made up almost exclusively of “young, healthy people, virtually all of them at extremely low risk of dying from COVID,” to be injected with experimental treatments known to have caused thousands of deaths and many more serious injuries.

And it has to lie to get them to buy into it. While “the rest of the presentation is less shocking than” the Satanism slide, Carlson said, “it’s utterly shoddy and dishonest,” claiming, among other things, that only three people have died from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The Pentagon’s mandate is already “taking a terrible toll on the U.S. military,” Carlson noted, citing several examples. Three members of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) paramilitary teams that entered Afghanistan in 2001 ahead of the regular troops have been suspended for not getting the jab. Army Lt. Col. Paul Douglas Hague resigned rather than accept the injection, calling the mandate “unlawful, unethical, immoral and tyrannical.” “Hundreds of Navy SEALs face being fired imminently for refusing to take the shot” despite being “the Olympic athletes of the military” and, in many cases, having natural immunity against the virus, averred Carlson.

“Imagine the effect on our country’s military readiness,” he said. “It’s horrifying.”

Carlson doesn’t consider the vaccine mandate an isolated incident that can just be chalked up to the general COVID-19 hysteria.

“The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who does not love Joe Biden, and make them leave immediately,” he declared. “It’s a takeover of the U.S. military.”