Three San Francisco School-board Members Fired in Tuesday Recall Election
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The efforts of two frustrated San Francisco parents with students in the city’s Unified School District to recall three school board members were rewarded handsomely on Tuesday: All three members they targeted were unceremoniously and overwhelmingly bounced from the board on Tuesday.

Results announced two hours after the election was over led one of the three, Faauuga Moliga, to concede defeat immediately. Concessions by the other two, board member Alison Collins and board president Gabriela Lopez, are expected shortly.

Nearly 80 percent voted to recall Collins, 75 percent voted to recall Lopez, and 73 percent voted to recall Moliga.

One of the prime drivers behind the recall effort, single parent Siva Raj, rejoiced: “It’s the people rising up in revolt … saying it’s unacceptable to abandon your responsibility to educate your children.”

Instead of focusing on reopening the schools following the pandemic, the board last year went “woke.” It renamed a third of the schools in the district, removing names honoring historical figures such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Patrick Henry, and John Muir, since those men “inhibited societal progress” during their lives.

The board ordered admissions policies at the high-performing Lowell High School to be replaced with a lottery to force the school’s student body to appear more diverse. The previous admissions policies were based on grades and test scores, which led to a high percentage of students from Asian ancestry attending Lowell.

The board, facing millions of dollars in cost overruns, spent $1 million on painting over an historic, 80-year-old mural at one of the schools that depicted the life of George Washington.

The ouster was helped along by support from the city’s mayor, London Breed, who also celebrated the removal of the three: “The voters of this city have delivered a clear message that the school board must focus on the essentials of delivering a well-run school system above all else.”

The recall effort was also aided by support from the San Francisco Chronicle (which claimed that the three “failed miserably” in their jobs) and the San Francisco Examiner (which said the board “put political grandstanding ahead of progress for children” and turned the actions of the board into a “national laughingstock”).

Mayor Breed will now, with the assistance of the two parents behind the recall effort, name three replacements.

The success sets the stage for another high-profile recall effort culminating in June: that of George Soros-backed District Attorney Chesa Boudin. Boudin’s administration has been a disaster thanks to his moves to end incarceration for minor crimes such as shoplifting and ending cash bail. So outrageous has been his performance that 59 attorneys in his office have either quit, have retired, or have been fired.

Voters have no excuse. They knew of his radical background — his parents were members of the domestic terrorist group Weather Underground and he worked closely with the late Venezuelan dictator Hugh Chávez as public defender and translator — but, with Soros’ funding, he was elected anyway.

Boudin has all but sealed his fate by first declaring that he would charge looters of Union Square retail shops with felonies and then letting them off after charging them with misdemeanors instead. As Monica Showalter noted at American Thinker: “He’s got the cops mad at him. He’s got the people in his office mad at him. He’s got the press mad at him. And he’s certainly got the voters mad at him.”

The momentum is all in voters’ favor. As Ballotpedia reported, in 2021 there were 529 elected officials who faced a recall effort. In 2022, as dissatisfaction mounts among voters, that record is likely to be broken.

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San Francisco Voters Poised to Recall Three School Board Members Today