Soviet Australia: The Land Down Under — Tyrannical COVID Restrictions
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Scolding people for watching the sunset, executing rescue dogs, and talking about a Crime Stoppers tip that has “blown the lid” off a church service. All these things and more have been done in the name of fighting COVID-19 Australia, as from Darwin on the Timor Sea to Sydney on the Tasman Sea, an iron mask has descended across the continent.

In fact, with parts of the nation under martial law, Australia serves as a warning about what could happen in the United States if Americans continue tolerating COVID craziness.

Reporting on this Monday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson began by describing the situation in New Zealand, where literally one coronavirus case — not one death, but one case — has inspired a nationwide lockdown.

Carlson then played a clip of the nation’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, saying last week:

Stay local and do not congregate. Don’t talk to your neighbors. Please keep to your bubbles. It comes down again to those very simple principles. We know from overseas, cases of the delta variant, that it can be spread by people simply walking past one another. So keep those movements outside to the bare minimum. Wear a mask and make sure to keep up that physical distancing.

Of course, Ardern didn’t specify if it was the six-foot distancing prescribed by a 19th-century German, the 4.92 feet recommended by today’s German authorities, or the WHO’s 39 inches.

But much farther away, more than 2,500 miles from stern Ardern, things are much worse. As Carlson also tells us:

In Australia, the government has implemented total lockdowns nationwide, and imposed martial law to enforce them. What’s the justification for this? Here are the numbers: From mid-July to last week, the entire country of Australia — a population of 25 million — has averaged about 1.5 COVID deaths per day. That has been enough to justify the end of Australia and totalitarianism. In one recent case, authorities executed rescue dogs — shot them to death — to prevent Australian dog lovers from traveling to adopt them. Leaving your home is not allowed, so they just killed the dogs. And the population put up with it. They were told they had to.

Nightly news in Australia now looks like a science fiction film.… One Australian news outlet just reported, quote, “A tip to Crime Stoppers has blown the lid on a church service at #Blacktown, attended by 60 adults and children. The gathering has been described as selfish and arrogant.”

What else is selfish and arrogant in Australia? It’s not just going to church or leaving your apartment or trying to adopt a rescue dog. Watching the sunset is also selfish and arrogant.

Carlson then played a video of Victoria premier Daniel Andrews saying, “There’s a bunch of people down at the Rye Beach last night who thought the best thing to do was to watch the sunset. I’m sure it was a beautiful sunset. But that’s not in the spirit or in the letter of these rules” (video below).

Of course, given how we’ve repeatedly caught our China virus enforcers — most recently Nancy Pelosi (again) — violating their own coronavirus restrictions, it’s hard to imagine that Australia’s ruling pseudo-elites intend to suffer along with the people. Apparently, COVID infectivity is class-oriented.

Don’t demonstrate over it Down Under, though. In the above video, you can also see Australian police violently suppressing anti-lockdown protesters. China, which birthed the virus, must be laughing, too. After all, its own ancient philosopher Sun Tzu stated himself in The Art of War, “Hence to fight and concur in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy resistance without fighting.” And what has Beijing succeeded in doing? It has made us, the West, more like China — without firing a shot.

Of course, some Australians will boast that, in contrast to our great number of COVID deaths, they have only 1,000. But first, with studies showing that lockdowns cost more lives than they save, what is Australia’s coronavirus-craziness-caused body count? (And what is ours?)

Moreover, do the Branch COVIDiots in Australia and elsewhere intend on having lockdowns forever? Remember that SARS-CoV-2 has mutated (e.g., the Delta variant) and will continue doing so. Mutation is what viruses do. And as I related last April citing the left-wing Atlantic’s James Hamblin, a medical doctor, “‘Cold and flu season’ could become ‘cold and flu and COVID-19 season.’” COVID is likely here to stay.

The good news is that as reported by a physician here, the disease just isn’t that deadly anymore and will be even less so if we establish a proper and official treatment protocol and pursue early intervention.

The bad news is that, as 19th-century Scottish journalist Charles Mackay noted, “Men … go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” What’s more, there are people who may prefer eternal lockdowns.

Note here that earlier this year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) posted a bizarre but revealing tweet, with an embedded video, and proclaimed that “lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world.”

“Earth’s seismic noise has been the lowest in decades due to lockdowns,” the WEF enthusiastically reported. “Scientists saw a ‘wave of quiet’ around the world in 2020. Ambient noise fell in some cities 50%, as fewer people used transport and factories closed” (video below).

So do the pseudo-elite COVIDians want to transition us into a more homebound civilization where only they roam unfettered? Is it part of what some call the Great Reset?

Whatever the case, the Land Down Under’s ban on beholding nightfall may be merciful. It could only be painful to watch, after all, how the sun is setting on Australia’s freedoms.