The Fake News choir can’t get enough of Ray Dalio. He’s the latest go-to guy among the bleeding-heart billionaires when you want pop-psychology wisdom, justification for investing in Communist China, or comments from a famous capitalist endorsing the socialist nostrums of Biden, Bernie Sanders, and AOC. His latest book, The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail, is another best-seller for Dalio and has provided the famed stock-picker with ubiquitous media face time to instruct the world on the need to “reform capitalism.” Not surprisingly, Dalio’s ideas for reform fall in line with the Great Reset, the Orwellian scheme of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “resetting” and “transforming” the global socio-economic, political, moral, and spiritual foundations for all of humanity. This is not surprising because Ray Dalio is a regular featured speaker at the WEF’s annual champagne-and-caviar confabs in Davos, Switzerland, where “enlightened” billionaires swoop in on their private jets to lecture the rest of us on the necessity to sacrifice, downsize our lifestyles, reduce our carbon footprints, and accept greater government controls over all aspects of our lives — for the good of the planet, of course.
Over the past several years, the Davos plutocrats have also jumped on the “income inequality” bandwagon, professing heartfelt pangs of concern for the growing gap between the haves and have-nots. Dalio says income inequality as a “national emergency” and a “national crisis.”
What’s his solution? Again, no surprise: Dalio promotes the “inclusive capitalism,” “stakeholder capitalism” agenda of Klaus Schwab and WEF titans such as Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and the like. The “inclusive capitalism” charade was kicked off in a big way in 2014 at a London summit of the uber-rich convened by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild. As The New American reported on June 13, 2014 (Rothschild Crony Capitalist Summit Plots Against Free Markets):
Attendees and speakers included Prince Charles, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde (shown), former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Bank of England boss Mark Carney, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, and more. Also in attendance: pension-fund bosses, Big Business CEOs, and other top figures representing an estimated one third of the world’s investable wealth. Among the ‘supporting organizations’ for the summit were the CIA-linked Ford Foundation and the globalist Rockefeller Foundation.
But the Rothschild London summit was held largely below the radar, intended primarily as a launchpad to attract globalist movers and shakers to a movement that would explode on the world scene at the diamond-studded Davos 2020 World Economic Forum, which we reported on, for instance, here and here.
As this writer noted at the time:
Davos is the premier glitterati dog and pony show where the globalist elites and their kept “activists” link arms to “save the world” from the crisis du jour. Invariably, this involves us giving them — the saviors — more power and more money. Invariably, this also entails a “united front” of WEF partners, sponsors, and associates from Big Business (BlackRock, IBM, Uber, GE, Alibaba, BP, Dow, et al ), Big Banking (Goldman Sachs, BofA, World Bank, IMF, JPMorgan Chase, et al ), Big Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Huawei, et al ), Big Foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Soros, Gates, et al.), and Big Media (New York Times, Financial Times, CNN, BBC, et al), along with Big Green (Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Environmental Defense Fund) and Big Labor (Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, UNI Global Union, et al.). And, invariably this united front pushes for more Big Government as the solution to every “crisis” — with Global Total Government as the ultimate solution.
“Principles” of an Unprincipled Media Darling
The 72-year-old Dalio is the founder and co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund. According to Forbes (updated March 21, 2022), Bridgewater has $154 billion under management and Dalio has a personal wealth of $22 billion, putting him at #88 among the world’s billionaires. He may indeed be the investment genius his idolizers claim; Bridgewater has posted a remarkable record of returns on investment. And Dalio, at times, seems to be talking hard-edged common sense when expressing his concerns about our massive government spending and national debt. But the key words here are “at times” and “seems.”
His Principles: Life and Work came out to reviewer huzzahs and back-to-back media engagements in 2017. More media adulation followed for Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises in 2020. And Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail, which came out in November of last year, has kept him in the limelight.
While nearly all of his “mainstream” media coverage could be described as falling somewhere between fawning and sycophantic, Dalio did get some much-needed pushback from Andrew Ross Sorkin during a CNBC Squawk Box interview regarding Dalio’s continuing love affair with China, despite the communist regime’s horrid human-rights record. When Sorkin asked the investment idol how he factored China’s human-rights violations into his investing strategy, Dalio exposed his own feet of clay. The financial guru first pleaded ignorance, claiming, “I can’t be an expert in those types of things…. I really have no idea.” He said he must simply comply with “whatever the rules are,” as dictated by the nation in question. Dalio then followed the moral equivalency script of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), claiming that we have “our own human-rights issues” here in the United States.
Dalio, who has made “hundreds of trips” to China since 1984 and has invested billions of dollars in the totalitarian regime, dug himself in even deeper in his CNBC interview. In one of his most ludicrous explanations, he parroted the CCP propagandists, claiming that the Chinese view the state as “a family,” and the communist mass murderers, who rigidly control every aspect of Chinese life, can be viewed simply as acting “like a strict parent” who restricts a child’s television viewing, while America is a land of individualists who can be viewed as the permissive parent that lets the child wildly indulge himself.
Obviously, Dalio thinks that the Chinese people need CCP commissars (“adults”) to supervise their every waking moment. He is a total suck-up to Wang Qishan, China’s vice president and top enforcer for Xi Jinping. Wang is also China’s “anti-corruption czar” and the CCP official whose approval Bridgewater needs to expand its business in the People’s Republic. Dalio has called Wang Qishan a “personal hero” and in his 2017 book Principles, he gushed, “Every time I speak with Wang, I feel like I get closer to cracking the unifying code that unlocks the laws of the universe.” Really!
It was Wang Qishan who brought down China’s richest billionaire playboy, Jack Ma, the former head of e-commerce giant Alibaba and a former star of Davos soirees. Did Dalio express shock or sorrow at the demise of his erstwhile WEF comrade? Au contraire, he made excuses for the arrest and banishment of Jack Ma, explaining to the China Town Hall 2020 that Ma’s Ant Financial “is a whole new concept in terms of banking, and almost could replace or threaten the banking system in China. And it hasn’t yet been properly established in terms of regulatory review and the like.” Comrade Wang and the CCP regulators were just being responsible, for heaven’s sake. Dalio says he has always “found them to be reasonable, caring, and highly informed people.”
With billions of dollars invested in China, Dalio clearly has incentive to toady up to the regime. In a February 15, 2022 article titled “Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater boosts its bets on China,” MarketWatch reported, “The world’s biggest hedge fund boosted its bet on Chinese companies in the fourth quarter.”
“The latest 13-F filing from Bridgewater Associates shows the firm boosted the number of shares it’s held in Alibaba by 29% in the fourth quarter, to take its holding in the Chinese internet services giant to the eighth highest spot in its portfolio,” MarketWatch continued. “Bridgewater also boosted its stake in JD.com by 33%, in Pinduoduo by 38%, in Baidu by 23%, and in Chinese electric vehicle maker Nio by 8% in the fourth quarter.”
However, those numbers may be revealing only the tip of the iceberg. According to Miles Guo (Chinese name Guo Wengui), an exiled Chinese billionaire whom the Beijing regime accuses of corruption, Ray Dalio is involved in a trillion dollar operation with Wang Qishan.
In a live broadcast on January 12, Miles Guo charged, “Wang had handed over one trillion U.S. dollars of the Chinese national fund to Bridgewater to manage.” “Bridgewater,” said Guo, “not only has invested nearly 60% of the top 15,000 companies in Communist China but also has been the sole investor that holds nearly 100% of the related quality stocks of Xinjiang enterprises and mines of Xinjiang, investments in Inner Mongolia and Tibet; almost the entire CCP-related investment in technology stocks are invested by Ray Dalio as well.” Guo’s charge has not been independently verified, but it may help explain the guru’s craven subservience to the CCP.
Dalio and the CFR “Convergence” Choir
Like David Rockefeller, George Soros, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates before him, Ray Dalio is an ultra-wealthy, elite globalist who envisions a future in which the United States and the West “converge” — economically, politically, and socially — with communist China in a “new world order.”
Besides being a veteran “Davos Man,” Dalio is also a board member of the National Committee on US-China Relations (NCUSCR), the premier Big Business-Big Banking-Big Tech-Big Media-Big Government forum for promoting U.S.-China convergence. In 2019, he was the “esteemed honoree” and speaker at the NCUSCR annual Gala Dinner in New York City, which also featured Henry Kissinger and the to-be-expected “great and good” of the globalist hierarchy. In 2020, Dalio was a featured expert on the NCUSCR’s China Town Hall live webinar, one of the main globalist-communist convergence propaganda programs. Ray Dalio is also a longtime member of the immensely powerful, world government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Naturally, then, in addition to being acclaimed by the CFR-dominated “mainstream” media cabal, Dalio the Great is also lavishly promoted by premier globalists such as David Rubenstein (chairman of the CFR and co-chair of the super-influential Carlyle Group), who featured Dalio on his January 24, 2022 broadcast of The David Rubenstein Show on Bloomberg Television (owned by CFR member Michael Bloomberg). Then there was his video interview with former U.S. Treasury Secretary (and CFR member) Lawrence Summers on Politico. And his “Straight Talk” interview with former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson (CFR). And his video interview with Fareed Zakaria (CFR member, CNN host, Washington Post columnist) on the CFR’s own program. It goes on and on.
Dalio is celebrated for advocating “radical transparency,” but he prefers to operate in the opacity and totalitarian darkness of the Beijing regime. His CCP comrades in Beijing, his WEF comrades in Davos, and his CFR comrades on Wall Street are all too happy to cover for him, assist him, and promote him because he is one of their premier change agents for bringing about their plan for a “changing world order.”
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