The New American magazine – January 5, 2015


Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Included in this issue:

The Rise of Doublethink

Establishment Media Openly Defends Rioting as Ferguson Burns

Book Review by Kelly Holt – “The Self-Pay Patient: Affordable Healthcare Choices in the Age of Obamacare” by Sean Parnell.

SKU: TNA150105 Category:


Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Included in this issue:

  • The Rise of Doublethink
  • Establishment Media Openly Defends Rioting as Ferguson Burns
  • Book Review by Kelly Holt – “The Self-Pay Patient: Affordable Healthcare Choices in the Age of Obamacare” by Sean Parnell.

Climate alarmists consistently ignore actual temperature data because it refutes their outlandish claims that mankind is destroying the Earth and undermines their goals of higher taxes, bigger government, and “alternative” energy.