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Search Results for: climate change

Bangkok Climate Talks End on “Rich-Poor” Note

A two-week-long series of UN climate-change talks in Bangkok attended by delegates from 180 countries ended on October 9, with their most notable result being a dispute between richer...

Contraceptives Vital to Climate Fight?

As the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference draws nearer, almost every day brings a new headline from environmental alarmists threatening the imminent end of the world unless all nations...

The Debate Over the Climate Bill

During the second day of four days of scheduled hearings held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on April 22, Obama administration officials and members of Congress traded...

2008 Climate Debate

According to former Vice President Al Gore, “the science is settled” on climate change. “The planet has a fever,” Gore said during testimony before Congress in 2007, and its...

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The 10th Amendment reserves any such regulatory powers to “the States respectively, or to the people,” as opposed to unelected federal bureaucrats. In addition to eroding state sovereignty, the...

The Global Taxman Cometh

After decades in the making, the first true global tax, administered by the United Nations, is set to roll out by 2025, and climate change is the pretext. ...