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Search Results for: climate change

Globalization Talk at Davos

German Prime Minister Angela Merkel proposed a new “global financial architecture” at the Davos World Economic Forum on January 30. But press coverage of the five-day event (ending February...

Carbon Dioxide a “Pollutant”?

Governments often find it useful to have an enemy on whom it can blame a need to raise taxes and/or take away individual rights from its citizens. Real people...

At Uncle Sam’s Service

National service is often associated with patriotism, but the degree to which it becomes compulsory is the same degree to which it becomes involuntary servitude. ...

Bush Designates New Marine Sanctuaries

With just two weeks left in office, President Bush designated almost 200,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean as a national monument using powers granted by the Antiquities Act...

Czech Pres. Vaclav Klaus Enrages Eurocrats

Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, can drive communists, leftists, Greens, and one-world globalists to near apoplectic fury. However, the popular Czech statesman (finance minister, 1989-1992; prime minister,...

Heat or Cold: Which Is More Deadly?

Which poses the greater health risk to humans: hot weather, or cold? According to global-warming alarmists, the answer is simple: heat kills. However, statistical evidence shows that cold weather...