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Search Results for: climate change

Food Prices Rocket

Eighty-year-old Dottie Bell is a volunteer at the Community Market food bank in Opelika, Alabama, and every day she sees the impact of high food prices on people in...

Bachmann Wows ‘Em in the East

Just one day after officially beginning her campaign for President in neighboring Iowa, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann went to the East Coast and campaigned Tuesday in both northern New...

Can College Be Homeschooled?

What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common? They all dropped out of college and pursued their interest in computer technology so that today...

Beginning of the End for Ethanol Subsidies

 On Thursday the United States Senate voted to end the 45 cents-per-gallon subsidy currently supporting the ethanol industry. The bill, offered by liberal Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and conservative...

Real Conservatives Oppose NAFTA

One of the most important, but widely unknown bills currently proposed in Congress is legislation that would end American participation in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The...

N.J. to Leave Regional Cap-and-trade Scheme

Gov. Chris Christie announced late last week that New Jersey would be leaving the controversial Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a “cap-and-trade” scheme supposedly designed to fight global warming...

Is the Arctic Warming — Again?

Dr. Aevar Petersen, chair of Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), recently told the Foreign Ministers of Arctic countries that the tree line in that region may grow...

BRICS Leaders Attack U.S. Dollar

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the so-called “BRICS” countries, added more pressure against the U.S. dollar after their leftist leaders called for a new international monetary system...