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Search Results for: climate change

The Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal

The biggest Fed scandal is the Fed’s impoverishment of ordinary Americans, enrichment of the elites, and facilitation of government debt and deficits. ...

Inside Track

Medical Journals Call for Emergency Action on Climate Change An editorial published in more than 200 medical journals worldwide is calling for emergency action on the so-called climate crisis,...

Correction, Please!

Media Portray Misleading UN Climate Report as Proof of World’s End Nothing out of the ordinary: Liberals claim that the number of natural disasters, such as wildfires, is increasing...

Inside Track

Plastic Barriers Don’t Stop COVID-19 Transmission, May Make It Worse All those plastic screens that have been erected to stop the spread of COVID-19 are useless and may even...

From the Nixon Shock to Biden-flation

Since the “Nixon shock” of 1971, the dollar’s value — and the average American’s living standard — has continuously declined, while income inequality and the size, scope, and cost...

Inside Track

No More “Master Bedrooms”; Time for “Racial Justice” If you’re sleeping in a “master bedroom” in Minnesota, you won’t be for long if the real-estate industry has anything to...