Revival Comes to the Nation’s “Party School” Florida State
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The great American revival sparked just a year ago at Asbury University in Kentucky rolled onto the campus of Florida State University (home of the Seminoles and a student body of 45,000) last Thursday.

And like the one in February 2024 in Wilmore, Kentucky, this was not expected.

Ten percent of the student body showed up for the free event “Unite FSU” featuring Jonathan “JP” Pokluda, lead pastor of the Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and New York Times’ bestselling author Jennie Allen (Find Your People, Get Out of Your Head, and Untangle Your Emotions).

The attendance of an estimated 4,500 students was followed by 400 of them making a decision to follow Christ and 300 being baptized in the school’s fountain.

Allen, no stranger to outpourings of the Holy Spirit elsewhere as the great American revival rolls on, nevertheless was astonished. She posted to her Instagram and Facebook pages:

It’s happening again! FSU baptisms! And they haven’t stopped.

Hundreds of students came forward to trust Jesus. We can’t explain what’s happening apart from the Spirit….

God keeps doing it!

They confessed their sin.

They came forward in droves tonight to trust Jesus.

We baptized hundreds in a fountain usually used for partying and worse.

And it’s all just the beginning. It literally is everywhere I go right now.

Revival is here. And there is no explaining it – when it’s God!

Spawned by the Asbury revival, Unite FSU was born in September last year when thousands of students gathered at Auburn University’s Neville Arena. But the great American revival started spreading from Asbury long before September.

As The New American reported at the time, students from Georgetown University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Ohio State, Purdue, and the University of Kentucky were impacted mightily by the revival at Asbury.

CBN News has followed the revival, noting in March 2023 that “The Lord Is Not Slowing Down,” and in July 2023 that Pastor Greg Laurie, founder of Harvest Christian Fellowship, baptized 4,500 people at Pirate’s Cove in Newport Beach, California. Pirate’s Cove, it will be remembered, was where Pastor Chuck Smith baptized Laurie, memorialized in the surprise box-office hit Jesus Revolution that premiered in February.

CBN News followed the revival as it spread from coast to coast during 2023, reporting in August that Life Church’s revival led to 2,000 people being baptized, and then in September that it had spread to Texas and Alabama.

Popular Facebook user Tonya Prewett rejoiced over the revival at Florida State:

Over 400 decisions made last night and close to 300 baptisms at Unite FSU!! What a powerful God we serve!

Prayer precedes a move of God. And God heard our prayers!

I have never been more moved than to see hundreds of students coming forward to receive Christ. And then hundreds get baptized in the same fountain that is usually the biggest partying fountain on campus. I’m in AWE of our God!

If 4,500 students at the nation’s “party school” can be impacted by the continuing revival, then there is hope that other secular institutions can also feel and enjoy the movement of the Holy Spirit as He continues to surprise and delight Christ’s followers across the land.

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