“Why Has ‘Capitalism’ Failed?”
While discussing socialism on a talk show recently, I was confronted with the question: If “capitalism” is so great, why has it failed?...
Misleading Words
Many years ago, the Saturday Evening Post was one of the best-known magazines in America. But somehow I learned that the Saturday Evening...
Read moreThe Hegelian Statist Virus in the Republican Party
It was the indefatigable investigative historian, Antony Sutton, who finally exposed the Hegelian statist virus that has plagued American politics since the early...
Read moreThe True Character of Science
Semester after semester, I continue to encounter students for whom the proposition that science alone is the embodiment of unimpeded Reason is axiomatic....
Read moreDebt Ceiling Crisis: Putting Things Into Perspective
The compromise bill that emerged Sunday night from behind closed doors is being loudly trumpeted in an attempt to persuade recalcitrant conservatives in...
Read moreThe Debt Limit and Republican Curiosities
The latest debate over “the debt limit” has all but monopolized the attention of politicians and pundits alike. I confess, I for one...
Read moreThe Smurfs Leaves Audiences Blue
Those behind the movie The Smurfs performed poorly in their efforts to re-introduce the popular 1980s franchise to a new generation of children....
Read moreFour Big Lies in Debt Limit Debate
Barack Obama and his minions continue to lie. Okay, this is it, I promise: my last column on the so-called debt crisis (at...
Read moreWhen Can We Start Cutting the Size of Government?
We shall not be able to even start reducing the size of the federal government until Tea Party Republicans take control of both...
Read moreDepartment of Transportation Sets Sights on Farmers’ and States’ Rights
The federal government just can’t stay out of agriculture. From subsidy programs that decide winners and losers in the markets by favoring corporate...
Read moreGeorge Soros Quits Quantum Fund
George Soros recently made a stunning announcement: He would be dissolving all of his non-family aspects of the hedge fund that ultimately made...
Read moreLiars to the Left of Us
Watching DC’s spendthrifts and Keynesians try to resolve the nation’s catastrophic debt is like watching witch doctors try to cure cancer: We know...
Read moreDefend It Like Beckham: Soccer Star Condemned for Having Too Many Children
Adorning an article in the Guardian is a picture you might think represented a prototypical family: a handsome couple standing behind three healthy,...
Read moreWho Wrote Dreams from My Father?
When Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams from My Father was published in 1995, which he began writing while at Harvard and later finished in...
Read moreJob Destruction Makes Us Richer
Here's what President Barack Obama said about our high rate of unemployment in an interview with NBC's Ann Curry: "The other thing that...
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