Trump Wins Michigan GOP Primary by More Than 40 Percent
AP Images

Former President Donald Trump won the Michigan GOP primary last night, defeating Nikki Haley by more than 40 percentage points. The Associated Press reports that with 98 percent of votes counted, Trump has received 68.2 percent (756,636 votes) and Haley comes in second with 26.6 percent (294,817 votes). Third in the results were voters choosing “Uncommitted” at three percent (33,397 votes).

Trump stated on Truth Social this morning, “Haley got trounced last night, losing the Great State of Michigan by over 42 Points. Looking forward to Super Tuesday where she is doing even worse, if that’s possible. I’m leading every State by over 60 Points! People don’t like her, and they know, as per the polls, that she can’t beat Biden, or any Democrat!”

After her fifth primary loss, Haley did not release a statement on social media. Haley campaigned in Colorado yesterday, stating on X this morning, “Thank you, Colorado! It was incredible to see more than a thousand voters ready to fight for the conservative principles and values that make this country great. It’s not about one man or one woman, it’s about all of us.”

In the Democratic primary, President Joe Biden won, receiving 81.1 percent (618,115) and in second voters choosing “Uncommitted” at 13.3 percent (101,067 votes).