Portugal’s Chega Party Gains Support in National Election
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Andre Ventura

Portugal’s Socialist Party was defeated by centrist and conservative parties last night in the country’s 2024 legislative election. The Chega party is described as a populist conservative party in Portugal; it focuses on crime and corruption, and supports limited government.

Led by André Ventura, the Chega party gained 36 seats in the legislature with 18.1 percent (1,108,764) of the votes, bringing their total to 48 seats. The Socialist Party lost 43 seats in the election, with 28.6 percent (1,759,879) of the votes.

The Chega party thanked voters on X, stating, “Obrigado, Portugueses!” Party leader Ventura said that the Portuguese voters have changed, writing on X, “Yesterday Portugal woke up and changed. Now we have a lot of work and a lot of responsibility. Count on us!”

Socialist Party leader Pedro Nuno Santos wrote on X after the defeat, “Thank you to each and every one. The path begins now.”