O’Keefe: Washington Commanders VP Calls NFL Players “Dumb as All Hell,” Black Players “Homophobic”
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Rael Enteen, vice president of content for the Washington Commanders of the National Football League (NFL) — formerly the Washington Redskins — attacked white “religious” and “very low income” black players in a video released by the O’Keefe Media Group.

The video shows Enteen describing white “religious” players’ interpretation of biblical scripture as “f*ck the gays” and accusing black “low income” players of being “inherently homophobic”:

Okay, over fifty percent of our roster, right, is either white religious and God says f*ck the gays, in their interpretation. I don’t — I don’t buy into any of that so, but that’s, that’s the facts. Another big chunk is very low income African American that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.

Enteen continued to make tactless remarks on his “date,” saying he loved hip hop music, and doubled down on his racial stereotypes, stating:

I love hip hop. Hip hop is very homophobic. It’s a, it’s a cultural thing that I hope gets better. Right? Like Atlanta’s a very interesting demographic. Like it’s southern, but like there’s a very gay, black community.

He continued, saying over half of NFL players are homophobic, stating:

I would say, more than fifty percent are probably homophobic and the remaining let’s even say it’s forty-nine percent are not necessarily homophobic, but that doesn’t mean they want to go on record with a video saying come out to pride parade.

Following the O’Keefe Media Group report, Enteen was suspended, with the Washington Commanders telling the New York Post, “The language used in the video runs counter to our values at the Commanders organization. We have suspended the employee pending an internal investigation and will reserve further comment at this time.”

When asked about the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives within the NFL, Enteen said the NFL’s social justice initiatives following the death of George Floyd in 2020 have been performative, stating:

It’s not done out of the goodness of their heart and morality. It’s done because George Floyd changed the game…. I mean that the, the social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception, and not because they, they want to actually push progress.

When asked if the efforts are to gain support from liberals, Enteen said the NFL priority is profit, and the DEI efforts are deceptive publicity stunts, stating:

I think it’s to make as much money as possible…. I think the NFL cares about the bottom line like any corporation above all else, and they have, they don’t need to really pinch pennies because they make so much revenue. Therefore, they can faux-prioritize DEI for the sake of good publicity.