Hamas Declines Israeli Proposal for Two-month Pause
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Hamas has reportedly declined the proposal for a two-month pause in fighting offered by Israel yesterday. The proposal, offered through Qatari and Egyptian mediators, would have paused fighting in Gaza for two months in exchange for the release of the 136 Israeli hostages remaining in Gaza.

The Times of Israel reported that the proposal would allow Yahya Sinwar and other Hamas leaders responsible for the October 7, 2023 Hamas-led attack that killed nearly 1,200 people to relocate to other countries, but the leaders are refusing to leave Gaza.

Qatari and Egyptian mediators are continuing to work toward bridging the gap between Hamas and Israel to reach a deal. The two-month proposal is the longest ceasefire Israel has offered so far, although it falls short of an agreement for a permanent ceasefire.

Progress is slowly being made in negotiations, with Qatari Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Majed Al Ansari saying of the mediation efforts, “We are engaging in serious discussions with both sides. We have presented ideas to both sides. We are getting a constant stream of replies from both sides and that in its own right is a cause for optimism.”