Conservative Parties Gain Seats in EU Parliament Election
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Viktor Orbán

Conservative parties across the European Union (EU) made gains in the 2024 European Parliament election that was held from June 6 to June 9. In response to his party’s defeat in the election, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for a snap election, stating on X, “I dissolved the National Assembly this evening. A serious, heavy decision, but above all an act of trust in you, my dear compatriots.”

Germany’s governing parties performed poorly, with the “far-right” Alternative for Germany (AfD) party gaining seats. According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, “The election result was bad for all three governing parties.” AfD called for “New Elections Now!”, and suggested that Scholz’ government follow Macron’s lead.

AfD’s Alice Weidel stated on X, “Yesterday’s #Europawahl was more than that: Germany voted out Chancellor & #Ampel at the same time. For #Scholz there is now only one task: to clear the way for #Neuwahlen – instead of governing for another year against a large majority of the population! #AfD”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s party received 44 percent of the vote and won 11 seats, down from 52 percent in the 2019 European Parliament elections. Orbán celebrated the results, telling supporters yesterday, “Today we defeated the old opposition, the new opposition, and no matter what the opposition will be called the next time, we will defeat them again and again.”