CNN’s Don Lemon once comically defended Antifa, stating that they had to be anti-fascist because it “says it right in the name: Antifa, anti-fascism.” But if the actions of a pro-Antifa “journalist” (along with 2020’s 600+ riots) are any indication, the abbreviation certainly doesn’t stand for “anti-fire and arson.”
As Gateway Pundit reports, “In Portland (of course), deranged leftists have long blamed phantom ‘white supremacists’ for causing trouble in the city, fearing that neo-nazis are lurking around every corner, just waiting to strike. Well, apparently these ‘white supremacists’ are so inactive that deranged leftists themselves have to commit the crimes that ‘white supremacists’ would otherwise be committing.”
“The latest case in point involves a particular individual suspected of committing various acts of arson against various places of worship in the Portland area,” the site continues. “Pro-antifa ‘journalist’ Mike Bivins has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing and setting fire to two Synagogues and a Mosque, even attempting to burn people alive as they were inside the Mosque.”
In total, Bivins, 34, is charged in four separate incidents, two involving the same synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel. So the man is violent, but there is a bright side: If there’s validity to the study showing that one serious Covid bout can rob you of 10 IQ points, the disease must have taken Bivins to the brink at least four times. As KPTV.com (FOX 12) tells us:
“Our arson investigator got involved in the case and since then she has been chasing this suspect and connecting him to other incidents,” said Kevin Allen of PPB [Portland Police Bureau]. “So we know the incidents go back to April 30 at this point and she is still working to see if there are any other cases that might be related.”
On Wednesday, Bivins came by the FOX 12 station asking to speak to a reporter. He said he was the one vandalizing places of worship, gave names and locations of places he had been to and vandalized, and said he would not stop committing these crimes before stating he would come back to the station Friday afternoon.
After he left the station, FOX 12 contacted authorities, sharing the information he had provided. Meanwhile, police say he went back to Beth Israel and threw a large rock through a library window.
So, yes, Bivins confessed his crimes — and not as an anonymous source — to the media. And, yes, he was arrested upon returning to KPTV on Friday.
The station also provided the following tweet, which includes the Antifa sympathizer’s picture and a bit more information.
Yet you wouldn’t know about Bivins’s Antifa passions from mainstream-media coverage. In fact, KPTV doesn’t mention Antifa at all, merely writing that the activist “has been identified as a onetime freelance journalist who covered political extremism in Portland until 2019.”
Yet even this, in terms of timeline, doesn’t add up, contends PJ Media. “Bivins was still on the streets with Antifa during the ‘summer of love’ riots,” the site explains. “Indeed, he filed a tort claim ‘against the Federal Protective Service after being struck by a munition at a protest,’ according to alternative weekly Willamette Week.”
PJ Media then presents the following tweet from reporter Andy Ngô.
PJ also reported that Bivins’s “Twitter account has been largely scrubbed” and that the “Portland Mercury, a pro-Antifa alternative weekly, elided Bivins’ far-Left ties in a story entitled, Attacks on Three Religious Centers Underscore Rising Hate Crimes in Oregon.’”
Other reporters were likewise “only too happy to work together with Bivins to tell a story about ‘right wing extremism,’ including the local PBS affiliate as well as Willamette Week,” PJ later wrote (representative tweet below).
The comedic deceit reflected above was not lost on Ngô’s Twitter respondents. “Rising right-wing extremism in Portland?” wrote one. “Did they write for the Babylon Bee?”
Another, alluding to the left-wing journalists’ fear of guilt by association, simply stated, “Social distancing?”
In reality, virtually all the political violence in America is perpetrated by the Left, and obscuring this reality is Propaganda 101. It’s similar to how the mainstream media would portray “moderate” politicians such George W. Bush or France’s Marine Le Pen, statists both, as “far right” while never assigning people such as Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton the label “far left,” despite the latter being accurate in their cases. The goal, of course, is to trick the electorate into dismissing moderate or right-of-center figures as too radical and embrace actual left-wing radicals as more moderate choices — and thus pull our country’s policies even further left.
This is also similar to how liberal historians, already having mass-murderer Joseph Stalin on their ideological “side,” couldn’t afford to lay claim to fellow maniacal killer Adolf Hitler as well. So they characterized Nazism and fascism as “right-wing” (that the Left/Right political paradigm is itself an inaccurate categorization method is beyond this article’s scope). This is despite the fact that WWII-era pontiff Pope Pius II was certainly not alone in instinctively, in a 1937 conversation, expressing the belief that Hitler belonged “in the camp of left-wing Nazi extremists.”
Buy, hey, Don Lemon’s reasoning alone is enough to tell the tale, in that it “says it right in the name: Nazi, National Socialist.”
As for Bivins, he seems to have more than one screw loose. Whether this at all distinguishes him from his co-ideologists, though, is a point to ponder.