Kentucky Sex Camp Taught Kids About “Illicit” Drugs and Kinky Sex
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Brace yourselves for what promises to be a frightening report from the Manhattan Institute’s Chris Rufo, who has done a valuable service uncovering corporate America’s use of Critical Race Theory to brainwash white employees into hating themselves.

Rufo will soon file a lengthy report on a “Sexy Summer Camp” in Hazard, Kentucky, led by a self-confessed “fat, queer magical pleasure worker,” where children learned to masturbate, about bondage and discipline, and how to use illegal drugs during sex.

Rufo offered a preview of his report on the doings on Twitter. From what he has disclosed so far, it appears the camp is a grooming operation to sexualize confused children and bring them “out of the closet.”

Free Condoms, no Questions

“Sexy Sex Ed is a workshop series that compels teenagers and people of all ages to openly discuss personal and political consent, sexual safety, and anatomy,” the outfit’s website says.

Why anyone would need to be compelled, the website doesn’t say, but it did promise to mail free condoms, “no questions asked,” as part of its China Virus response. The camp was virtual because of the virus.

The camp ran on Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 6 through August 24 last year, and opened with a masturbation “workshop” titled “Sex With Me — Self Pleasure.”

The group advertised it this way: 

Participants will explore personal views on self pleasure, as well as learn techniques to make the most out of their masturbation experience. This workshop will include discussion, games, and some hand on practice (on hands!).

A workshop on sex and drugs promised to train participants in “the nuances of engaging in sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs”:

Together, we will explore why people engage in sexual activity while on drugs; the nuances of substance use and consent; and harm reduction strategies around having sex on substances.

Another workshop was “The Three P’s: Pee, Poop, and Pleasure.”

“Sexy Trans Sex Ed” focused on “language, affirmation, as well as creating spaces for gender exploration and euphoria through sex,” the schedule says:

Topics will include pre sex discussion, language, body diversity, masturbation, sti’s, gender exploration and affirmation, BDSM, and more!

Of course, the workshops also included a lesson on “self-managed abortion.”

Founder Is a Witch

The founder of Sexy Sex Ed, one Tanya Turner, isn’t someone you want near your kids. “Tany is a femme, fat, queer, magical pleasure worker, educator, & artist,” her bio says: 

She was raised in rural Kentucky by a host of witchy women alongside sisters and cousins. A coven-like mountain matriarchy, if you will, on Stony Fork. Her craft tools are candles, crystals, oils, plants, music, sex toys, tarot, the Moon, and instincts of a triple water sign (Cancer Sun — Scorpio Moon & Rising.…

Tanya lives high on a Kentucky mountain top with lots of plants, a steamy hot tub, and several furry familiars.

Rufo helpfully included a video of Turner in which she explains the merits of masturbation.

“Masturbation is really healthy and I recommend it to people of all ages,” Turner says. “All ages. As soon as my nephews could talk, they were doing that”:

We have to learn ways to talk to young people about this so they that they know how to explore their body.

Another of the camp leaders was Larah Helayne, a “nonbinary queer” who wears a shirt touting the Mattachine Society, a defunct group of homosexual communists. Communist homosexual and pedophile Harry Hay, a strong supporter of the National Man Boy Love Association, founded Mattachine.

The shirt also pays homage to boy rapist Harvey Milk, the San Francisco councilman shot to death in 1978. 

Shortly after Rufo’s tweets, the workshop leaders scrubbed their bios from the Sexy Sex Ed website.

The question is whether any of Sexy Sex Ed’s leaders committed a crime under Kentucky law. “Unlawful transaction with a minor in the first degree,” the law says, is a felony:

A person is guilty of unlawful transaction with a minor in the first degree when he or she knowingly induces, assists, or causes a minor to engage in:

(a) Illegal sexual activity; or

(b) Illegal controlled substances activity other than activity involving marijuana or salvia.

The gravity of the felony depends on the child’s age.

The website does contain information about a camp for 2022.

H/T: Ace of Spades