Hunter B to Brother’s Widow: Get an AIDS Test!
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Hunter Biden
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E-mails from Hunter Biden’s laptop have done more than disclose the Biden Mafia’s shady global business empire, its trans-oceanic influence-peddling, and Hunter’s inability to pay his own bills.

They have also pulled the sheets back on Hunter’s sick sex life, the latest revelation being his sexual affair with his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie. Such was Hunter’s insatiable thirst for prostitutes and loose women that he urged his sister-in-law to get an AIDS test.

What it was like to get those e-mails — hey, you might have AIDS — one can only imagine.

I Need the Result

“Hunter Biden desperately insisted his brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, get screened for HIV as their torrid affair cooled off in the summer of 2018,” the New York Post reported of the latest e-mails:

Biden, 52, implored Hallie to be tested for HIV in an email sent to Beau Biden’s widow on July 27, 2018, about a month before he fathered an out-of-wedlock child with former stripper Lunden Roberts.

“You need to inform me of the result,” Hunter wrote in the email found on his abandoned laptop, a copy of which was obtained by The Post. “TODAY. I am getting tested today. I have been sick scared Hallie and you [hang] up on me.”

The drug fiend also told Hallie that she harmed his health, which wasn’t at all affected by trying to sniff up every particle of cocaine he could get his hands on, or consorting with strippers and prostitutes.

“The love you give is so disturbing,” Biden wrote in another e-mail. Subject line: “YOU NEED TO GET TESTED FOR HIV HALLIE.”

Yet bad as Biden’s drug problem was — or is, for all we know — Hallie too, apparently, had what they call a “substance abuse” problem, too, the emails show.

“[You’re] not clean and sober Hallie,” Biden wrote, the Post reported:

“You’ve found a new release for your poisoned mind … you need serious long term professional help and I hope you get it. I promise I will try my best to make that happen.”

Hunter then concluded the message with a stern demand to his sister-in-law.

“I love you hHallie [sic] even when youre cruel,” he wrote. “GET TESTED AND TELL ME RESULTS Today.”

Just weeks earlier, the couple had viciously argued in emails — with Hallie accusing Hunter of calling her “incessantly” only to “block” her when she got back to him.…

“Please calm down Hallie and focus on your sobriety,” Hunter replied on July 15, 2018. “The tone you’re using with me is so angry. You aren’t a bad person Hal just because you’ve done bad things, you can do this without having to attack me or Natalie or whomever else you might see as the reason for you’re [sic] problems. Focus on you and know that you and only you will determine whether or not you can get sober for real.”

Unsurprisingly, Biden is seriously short on self-awareness. Though President Biden calls Hunter “the smartest man I know,” the younger Biden believes he’s the best man he knows.

“And don’t feel as if you lost the two best men you or anyone could have ever even dreamed of,” he wrote. “You got just what you wanted for a time and all is not lost. My family will never disrespect you around the children or in public.”

After Hunter’s wife divorced him, he shacked up with Hallie and her children, after which he took off for Los Angeles.

Somewhere along the way, he bedded the stripper, whom he forced into court to prove paternity. Biden lost.

Photos of Girls

Though the Post uncovered the affair with his brother’s widow in 2017, which is how his father learned about it, Hunter discussed it in his “memoir,” Beautiful Things, which probably should have been Gettin’ Stoned, Gettin’ Laid, and Gettin’ Away With It.

In his April 2021 memoir, Beautiful Things, Hunter revealed “that he and Kathleen divorced after his first wife found steamy text messages on an iPad between himself and his late brother’s widow. Hunter detailed the ‘rampages’ he went on in his unflinching 271-page book following the divorce, during which he started the affair with Hallie.”

The sex angle in the e-mails surfaced when Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani disclosed that the laptop contained photos of underage girls. Hallie accused Hunter of sexually inappropriate behavior with a 14-year-old girl.

Biden’s unslakable thirst for kinky sex is such that a sex website turned him down for a roll in the cyberhay because his credit card was maxed. And Biden spent $11,400 on a single night of debauchery at a New York strip club.