The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019 (S. 109) would prohibit the use of federal funds to cover the cost of abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is at risk unless an abortion is performed. The bill would also prohibit qualified health plans from including abortion coverage.

The Senate did not vote directly on the bill, but on a motion to invoke cloture (and thus limit debate) so the bill could come up for a vote. The motion to invoke cloture was rejected on January 17, 2019 by a vote of 48 to 47 (Roll Call 7; a three-fifths majority of the entire Senate is required to invoke cloture). We have assigned pluses to the yeas because the government should not subsidize or make provision for the killing of innocent human life.

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