Omnibus Appropriations. The final version (Conference Report) of this catch-all $1.1 trillion bill (H.R. 3288) — consisting of six appropriations bills for fiscal 2010 that Congress failed to complete separately — Commerce-Justice-Science; Financial Services; Labor-HHS-Education; Military Construction-VA; State-Foreign Operations; and Transportation-HUD. The total price tag in the final version (conference report) of H.R. 3288 is about $1.1 trillion, including $447 billion in discretionary spending.

The Senate passed the conference report on December 13, 2009 by a vote of 57-35 (Roll Call 374). We have assigned pluses to the nays because many of the bill’s spending programs — e.g., education, housing, foreign aid, etc. — are unconstitutional. Moreover, lawmakers should have been able to vote on component parts of the total package.

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