NAFTA Superhighway. During consideration of the fiscal 2008 Transportation-HUD appropriations bill, Representative Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) offered an amendment to prohibit the use of the funds in the bill for participation in “a working group under the Security and Prosperity Partnership,” including the NAFTA Superhighway. A news release issued by Hunter’s congressional office explained that “SPP working groups are advancing a plan to build the NAFTA Super Highway — an international corridor extending between the U.S., Mexico and Canada.” The NAFTA Superhighway is part of a broader plan to gradually integrate the three countries in a North American Union.

The House adopted the Hunter amendment by a vote of 362-63 (Roll Call 707) on July 24, 2007. We have assigned pluses to the yeas because the NAFTA Superhighway threatens our national security and economy.

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