Federal Judge Blocks Trump Admin From Deporting Unaccompanied Minors
Photo: Ulf Wittrock/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The kritarchy strikes again.

A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the Trump administration to cease deporting illegal alien children, ending a policy that has resulted in thousands of rapid deportations.

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan issued a preliminary injunction sought by legal groups that sued on behalf of children whom the government sought to remove before they could request asylum or other protections under federal law.

At least 8,880 unaccompanied illegal alien minors have been deported since March of this year, when the administration issued an emergency declaration citing the coronavirus as grounds for barring most people crossing the border from remaining in the United States.

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Sullivan’s order applies only to the expulsion of children who enter the country unaccompanied by a parent. The government has removed nearly 200,000 people since March, including parents, adults, and children traveling together.

The Left celebrated the judge’s decision, painting the Trump administration’s policy in evil terms. “This policy was sending thousands of young children back to danger without any hearing,” said Lee Gelernt, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. “Like so many other Trump administration policies, it was gratuitously cruel and unlawful.”

AP notes:

The Trump administration has argued in court that it must expel children who have recently crossed the border — whether they had authorization or not — to prevent the infection of border agents and others in immigration custody. The emergency declaration was made by Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Justice Department on Oct. 2 cited the judgment of “the nation’s top public health official” in urging Sullivan not to stop the expulsion of children.

Joe Biden has not signaled whether he will cease deporting illegal border crossers due to public health concerns, but it is anticipated that he will roll back many of the Trump administration’s executive actions.

According to his campaign website, Biden seeks to undo the Trump administration’s public charge rule, which gives immigration officials discretionary ability to bar issuance of visas or permanent residence to individuals who are likely to become dependent on taxpayers once admitted into the country.

He would directly take on President Trump’s signature immigration project — construction of a wall along the southern border — by ending the national emergency declared by the president in response to a wave of thousands of migrants and asylum requests last year. With the national emergency ended, Biden would discard the use of military funds for wall construction.

A President Biden would then eliminate President Trump’s travel bans, reinstate DACA (while ensuring “Dreamers” get taxpayer-funded student aid), and promote “alternatives to detention” for illegal aliens at the border, meaning they will be released into the interior of the country to “wait” for their hearings and run off and never be heard from again — at least until (as has happened) they run over an American citizen while driving without a license.

“Trump has waged an unrelenting assault on our values and our history as a nation of immigrants,” Biden’s immigration platform reads. “It’s wrong, and it stops when Joe Biden is elected president.”

In addition, Biden wants to end the president’s “public charge rule,” which allows immigration officials to decide against issuing a visa to an applicant if it appears they will be reliant on taxpayer-funded welfare programs when they arrive in the country.

Moreover, Silicon Valley is going all-in for Biden in the hopes that he will undo Trump restrictions on visas for white-collar foreign works hired by large corporations to do work cheaper than skilled Americans with college degrees.

The latest ruling from a federal judge is another example of the courts’ long record of shooting down the Trump administration’s immigration policies. 

“[Biden transition team members] indicated they are going to be very different than the Trump administration on high-skilled immigration, immigration in general” says Linda Moore, CEO of TechNet, a group of industry executives from companies such as Amazon, Apple, Cisco, Dell, Facebook, and Google, filed amicus briefs in support of lawsuits challenging the White House’s restrictions on H1-B visas.

Leftists claim mass migration is about helping the poor masses, but in reality the greatest beneficiaries are the global corporate elites. By robbing actual citizens of much-needed jobs and lowering wages for everyone, immigration literally makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. And with a prospective administration that would be stacked with pro-migration Silicon Valley fixtures, Joe Biden has made clear whose side he’s on.