From FreedomProject Media:
With the proliferation of federal meddling and control over government schools, there has been an explosion in “psychological profiling” and manipulation of children. In fact, there is now so much of this going on that even experts who track the trends say they are having trouble keeping up with it all. Of course, all of the data is being vacuumed up in federally funded databases for future exploitation.
Among other concerns are the unconstitutional federal mandates purporting to require states to administer tests that track everything from attitudes and beliefs to mental health and social-emotional learning (SEL). As part of the federal government’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), known as the “nation’s report card,” government is even unleashing “mindset surveys.”
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which FreedomProject Media has spent a great deal of space exposing, there is an ongoing deluge of psychological quackery being imposed on innocent American children. From SEL schemes embedded across Common Core programs, to ESSA-mandated state tests that contain “social” and “emotional” assessments and surveys, the threat is now ubiquitous.
Much of the quackery, psychological manipulation, and intrusive data-gathering is concealed behind innocuous sounding terms such as “21st Century Skills.” While parental consent is almost never sought, the schemes to track and manipulate children’s values and attitudes are often disguised behind phrases such as “promoting grit,” ensuring a “welcoming school climate,” pushing “positive youth development,” fighting “bullying,” checking “wellbeing,” and much more.
The technological tools being weaponized for these programs are becoming more sophisticated than virtually any parent realizes or could even imagine, with even the measuring of “brain waves” and emotions now being explored. One tool highlighted recently in education circles includes “psychographic questions” that are “meant to reveal the influence of students’ personalities and attitudes.” And that is just what we know about.
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