Britain’s Largest Paper Admits: “Trump Was Right!”
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around,” the apocryphal line goes. “But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.” In another daddy’s case, President Trump’s, it took only mere months to “become learned.” The latest example, at least according to British paper the Daily Mail, is that he was right about California’s notorious wildfires being due to poor forest management. The evidence?

The Golden State is adopting Trump’s plan for preventing future raging arboreal infernos.

As the Mail relates under a bold headline beginning “Trump was Right!”:

  • Groups of 12-person crews are combing the 33 million acres of California forests and cutting down trees to lessen the chance of wildfires 
  • During the 2020 California wildfires, 31 people died and another 37 suffered non-fatal injuries due to 9,639 fires spread across the Golden State
  • Former US President Donald Trump had blamed Cali’s ongoing and deadly wildfire problem on the state’s failure to clear its forests of dead trees and debris
  • Trump ultimately ended up withholding government aid to California until they put the plan into practice, which recently began with cleanup crews statewide
  • California will be using $500 million in government aid specifically to combat its deadly wildfire problem

The paper also tells us that “state officials essentially laughed off the former president’s idea a few years ago. Trump had suggested in 2018 that the Golden State start sweeping its forest floors of debris that often aids in the spread of wildfires.”

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There is another side, of course, with some experts opposing the plan. The Mail cites, for example, Los Padres ForestWatch conservation director Bryant Baker as warning “that controlled burns threaten the native plant areas of SoCal’s national forests.”

Yet it should be noted that what Trump suggested isn’t “his” idea or even a conservative one, but a longstanding forest-management strategy. Consider, for example, that the left-wing New York Times ran the following headline in August 2016: “Like Tens of Millions of Matchsticks, California’s Dead Trees Stand Ready to Burn.”

In the article body, the paper expounded upon natural factors that threatened Golden State trees and created a fire hazard and then lamented: “Factor in human shortcomings — poor or absent forest management, a failure to clear out ignitable dead wood, the darker temptation of arson, unchecked carelessness — and you have a lethal recipe.” (Emphasis added.)

Yet love him or hate him, agree with him on fire prevention or not, the mainstream media now admit that Trump was right about many things at which they’d once scoffed. Trump himself provided a list of “I told you so” items in a press release earlier this month. It follows, as presented by the Daily Caller:

  • Hydroxychloroquine works
  • The Virus came from a Chinese lab
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop was real
  • Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op
  • The “Russian Bounties” story was fake
  • We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020, in record time
  • Blue state lockdowns didn’t work
  • Schools should be opened
  • Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country
  • Our Southern Border security program was unprecedentedly successful

While a little nuance is needed — for instance, the coronavirus lab-leak theory has gained tremendous traction with the mainstream media but is still not accepted as fact — Trump’s list is in the main accurate.

Then, commentator Andrea Widburg provides a list of three more items the 45th president was proven right about since his early June press release, writing:

1. Trump said there were dirty dealings in Georgia’s election, at which point the Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, insisted that everything was above board. We know now that Raffensperger received real-time information about profound irregularities, and, suddenly, Raffensperger is admitting that there were serious problems.

2. Trump said Michael Avenatti was a con man. Prosecutors in Manhattan are recommending an eight-year prison term for him, so serious were his offenses.  

3. Trump said he was the one keeping CNN afloat. He was right.

That said, this isn’t mainly about Trump. Most of the above were also espoused as actual/probable realities by millions of other Americans; the only prerequisites for discerning them were an effort to inform oneself and receptiveness to Truth.

This leaves out the mainstream media, whose members knew (or could easily have known) the above but were more interested in spreading fiction than fact, as they used their mighty megaphone to push Democrats and propaganda at Truth’s expense. It’s a dangerous phenomenon because, like rebellious children opposing daddy, if Trump said right, the media screamed “Left!” as they completely left sanity — if he spoke Truth, they spouted lies.

Why, you can get the feeling that if China had launched a military attack and Trump gave a Churchillian “Fight on the beaches” speech, the media would’ve insisted on surrendering to Beijing. Of course, though, they’re doing that even now, furtively and in increments.