Biden’s Approval Numbers Continue Slipping in Polls
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The results of three separate polls taken last week show the public’s approval rating of Joe Biden continuing to fall. In at least one poll, the fall is astounding.

Hart Research Associates asked 1,000 adults last Sunday through last Tuesday, “In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president?” Forty-nine percent approved, down from 53 percent in April. The percentage of those who disapproved leapt nine full percentage points, from 39 percent in April to 48 percent last week.

His approval rating was dragged down by the public’s perception of how poorly the economy is performing, and his disastrous botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. The public’s disapproval of his handling of the economy jumped from 43 percent in April to 52 percent last week.

But the catastrophe in Kabul was key to Biden’s fall in the polls: Sixty percent of those polled by Hart disapproved of his handling of the situation in Afghanistan, compared to just 25 percent of those who approved.

A CBS News Poll taken later last week was nothing short of astounding. When 2,142 adults were asked, “Which of these [traits] do you feel describe or do not describe Joe Biden’s actions as President so far?” they responded:

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When they were asked, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the removal of troops from Afghanistan?” 53 percent disapproved. Similar responses were recorded when asked about how Biden is handling “issues with Russia” and “issues with China.”

Further proof of the public’s disenchantment with the performance of the man sitting in the Oval Office came from in its Poll Project USA. Since January 20, it has been asking registered voters how Biden is doing. Since May, his approval rating has dropped continuously and now shows just 42 percent of those voters approving, while 50 percent now disapprove.

On a state-by-state basis, Biden’s performance is even worse. Just seven of the 50 states — California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont — show voters giving Biden a 50 percent approval rating or higher. Thirty-seven states’ voters give Biden a failing grade, and Colorado — a former red state now turned blue — rated Biden even, with 46 percent approving to 46 percent disapproving.

Ronny Jackson, M.D., the former White House physician under both Presidents Obama and Trump and now a Republican representative from Texas, has been warning of Biden’s growing incompetency for months. In an interview with Fox News last week, he declared that it’s now time for Biden to leave the Oval Office:

We’re looking horrible right now on the world stage; this is an absolute national embarrassment. And instead of being out in front of this and talking about what’s going on, and what went wrong, and what the plan was, and what we’re going to do next, Biden’s just been in hiding again, as he always has.

Biden, once again, has failed us. He’s embarrassed us internationally. And, you know, honestly, it is time for him to leave.

I’ve been saying this for a long time. I’ve been saying that he’s not cognitively prepared to be our president. And this is just another example of his failure. And I think a lot of this is relevant to his cognitive ability.

But he’s created a national security disaster for this country right now. And it’s time for him to move on, and somebody else needs to do this job. He is not fit to be our commander-in-chief. It’s time for him to resign….

People have cut him slack because they know he’s got these cognitive issues, and he’s older…. There’s just too much liability with this man. They can’t cover for him anymore.

Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t doing any better than Biden in the polls. According to Hart Research, her ratings among voters have fallen as well. In January, just 41 percent of those polled rated her either “somewhat positive” or “very positive,” with an equal percentage viewing her as either “somewhat negative” or “very negative.”

Last week, just 37 percent of voters rate her “somewhat” or “very” positive, while her negative ratings jumped five points, to 46 percent.

Speaker of the House (third in line for the presidency under the Constitution) Nancy Pelosi fares equally poorly, with just 37 percent of voters rating her either “very positive” or “somewhat positive,” and her negatives coming in at 46 percent, up five points since January.

If Biden leaves, or is forced to vacate, the Oval Office, his replacement(s) don’t look any better. Voters seeking true leadership out of the swamp of collectivism will have to look elsewhere.