William P. Hoar, Author at The New American - Page 4 of 4
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About: William P. Hoar

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Middle-class Jobs Menaced by Biden’s Energy Assaults  Item: Bloomberg Businessweek (February 1) quoted a statement made by Joe Biden on January 27 amid...

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Diktats to “Build Back Better” Will Be Costly, Intrusive Saving the Earth? The Biden administration intends to join the Paris global-warming agreement,  even...

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Seeking to Aid Their Educated Elite, Democrats Push Massive Cancellation of Student Debt Biden’s first 100 days: Senators Elizabeth Warren (left) and Chuck...

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Biden Dreams of Mass Amnesty, “America Last” Immigration Agenda Flood the country: Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign pledges on immigration say that he...

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Leftists Fan the Flames of “Climate Fires” Diversion: Governor Gavin Newsom has proclaimed his state’s phase-out of internal combustion engines by 2035 because,...

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Biden’s New Plan Is an Old Ploy: More Taxing, Spending, and Regulating Math challenged or untruthful? America’s “rich” — those making over $200,000...

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Threatening Strikes, Teachers’ Unions Resist Reopening Public Schools Item: The print version of the New York Times for July 30 carried the following...

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Media Don the “Moderate” Mask on Biden, Even as His Extremist Policies Prove Otherwise Item: In its July 4-10 issue, with a cover...

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Like the Disastrous Virus Lockdown? If So, You’ll Love the Green New Delusion Item: “Following the pandemic is like watching the climate crisis with...

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Liberals Seem Surprised When Incentives Against Work Hurt Economic Recovery Item: The Washington Post, in a May 22 front-page article entitled “GOP fights...