Correction, Please!
Beware the High Cost of Free College Item: Hillary Clinton, in her official website for her presidential campaign, promotes “a comprehensive plan to put higher education within reach for...
Beware the High Cost of Free College Item: Hillary Clinton, in her official website for her presidential campaign, promotes “a comprehensive plan to put higher education within reach for...
Campaign Against Climate-change Skeptics Item: The Obama White House, on its official website, touts the president’s “Historic Commitment to Protecting the Environment and Reversing Climate Change.” The White House...
Item: In an attempt to protect the White House’s amnesty for illegal aliens, the U.S. Justice Department is refusing to provide details about President Obama’s executive order on immigration....
Item: The White House website, in its “Raise the Wage” section, quotes President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address in early 2015, again calling for an increase in...
Feds Overreach, Hand Down Bathroom Guidance Item: “Dear Colleague,” begins a joint letter, dated May 13, 2016, from the civil rights arms of the U.S. Department of Justice and...
Ruinous Rule by Regulations ITEM: The New York Times for April 6, 2016, reported: “The rules governing how financial professionals handle the trillions of dollars they invest on behalf...
Subsidizing Healthcare Hurts, Drives Up Costs Item: The White House gushes over what is widely called ObamaCare on its website, saying: “Until President Obama fought for and signed the...
Undo Apple Encryption? Item: In an interview with the Financial Times on February 23, 2016, Microsoft Founder Bill Gates weighed in on Apple’s battle with the U.S. government over...
Aiding China With the TPP Item: Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported on February 4, 2016, that with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the United States is seeking to counter China’s “challenge...
Subsidizing Rattlebrained Transportation Policies The blur: Virtually everyone is in agreement that the transportation infrastructure that the federal government is in charge of is becoming decrepit, but there are...
Gun-grabbers Put Rights in Bullseye Item: Following the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, in which 14 people were killed and 22 wounded, the president of the United States...
Surprise! ObamaCare Proves Unsustainable Item: The White House website boasts: “Until President Obama fought for and signed the Affordable Care Act, for dec-ades, millions of Americans lacked the security...
Feds Regulate the Emissions of Others Problem: Natural gas is burned — flared — when oil wells are drilled away from natural gas pipes or, as is commonly the...
Nationalizing School Standards Through ObamaCore Not thinking critically: Advocates of Common Core accuse detractors of letting partisan beliefs stop needed national standards. Not only do national standards not foretell...
EPA Edicts: Large Price Tag, Little Value Politicizing his “problems”: While they were at the 2014 Climate Summit at UN headquarters in New York, President Obama gathered representatives from...