About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Big Chills for Global-warming Alarmism
Don't pay any attention to your frozen thermometer. Never mind that your city is shivering under a record-setting cold wave, paralyzed by another record-setting snowfall. Do not think twice...
Kissinger, Putin, and the “New World Order”
Rahm Emanuel, President-elect Barack Obama's chief of staff, has declared that "you don't ever want a crisis to go to waste." As reported here yesterday, former Secretary of State...
NASA’s James Hansen Pushes Carbon Tax in Letter to Obamas
James Hansen, who runs NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), has struck again. The political activist/scientist, global-warming guru, and boon companion to Al Gore has written a letter...
Kissinger Urges Obama to Build a “New World Order”
According to Henry Kissinger, the various political and economic crises currently conflicting the world offer President-elect Barack Obama an opportunity to create a "new world order." That's what the...
Russia Flexes Its Natural Gas Muscles
Russia continues to surge ahead as the global energy titan, reaping huge profits and geo-strategic political advantages by exploiting its oil and natural-gas reserves. ...
Czech Pres. Vaclav Klaus Enrages Eurocrats
Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, can drive communists, leftists, Greens, and one-world globalists to near apoplectic fury. However, the popular Czech statesman (finance minister, 1989-1992; prime minister,...
Mother Nature Puts Freeze on “Green” Solar-powered Toilet
With great fanfare, the City of Portland, Oregon, inaugurated its first solar-powered "loo" in Old Town, on December 8. "At the unveiling, mayor-elect Sam Adams gave the fancy new...
Asthma Sufferers Victimized by UN Ozone Madness
Beginning January 1, 2009, millions of asthma sufferers will no longer legally be able to obtain the low-cost albuterol inhalers that enable them to breathe. The inhalers have been...
Heat or Cold: Which Is More Deadly?
Which poses the greater health risk to humans: hot weather, or cold? According to global-warming alarmists, the answer is simple: heat kills. However, statistical evidence shows that cold weather...
Bailout Mania!
The Treasury Department and Federal Reserve are spending trillions — and Congress is letting them get away with the biggest theft in history. ...
Ponzi, Madoff, and the Fed
Poor Charles Ponzi is getting another media drubbing. News stories, of late, have been declaring Bernard Madoff's spectacular investment fraud case "the biggest Ponzi scheme in history." ...
A Beacon in the Night
It is easy to see why the enchanting paintings of Thomas Kinkade have captivated millions of admirers worldwide. On his canvases, alluring scenes — of idyllic cottages and cabins,...
Dropping All Pretenses About “Global Governance”
As we reported yesterday, the world-government-building plans of globalists such as Gideon Rachman and Strobe Talbott, which are so appealing to one-world elites, and their propagandists, still don’t set...
Scientists Challenge Global Warming “Crisis”
Politicians and environmental militants worldwide are kicking the global-warming bandwagon into high gear, even as more and more prominent scientists are vocally challenging the underlying premises of anthropogenic (human-caused)...
Rooting for World Government
"And now for a world government." That is the title of an important op-ed by Gideon Rachman that appeared in the Financial Times of London — important both for...