About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Doctors for Freedom
The Choose Freedom — Stop ObamaCare tour is a nationwide speaking tour/media tour of physicians sponsored by The John Birch Society. It is an important part of the Society’s...
Physician-legislator Dr. Ritze Speaks Out Against ObamaCare
Dr. Mike Ritze is a physician and surgeon in private practice in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. He is also an adjunct professor, a state medical examiner, an FAA senior medical...
Basel III and Sound Banking
The global regulation of banks took a major leap forward with the conclusion on September 12 of a round of talks held at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS)...
Obama’s China Trade Solution: Give Them Our Hi-Tech
The China Daily US Edition reported on September 7 that "China will 'vigorously' expand its imports of key products as the nation strives to cut its trade surplus amid...
Court Favors Wolves, Endangers Elk, Moose and Humans
United States District Judge Donald Molloy's August 5 decision to restore full endangered species protection to the Canadian gray wolf in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming virtually guarantees that more...
Bailing Out Big Media?
The creaking, decrepit mastodons of the Big Media are soliciting our sympathy — and our money. We must save them, they say, from extinction. For our own good, of...
Elites Push Government-funded “Public” Media
The Aspen Institute hosted its annual Forum On Communications And Society (FOCAS) August 15–18 in Aspen, Colorado, exploring the theme of "News Cities: The Next Generation of Healthy Informed...
Only $5.6 Million to Create One $47,000/Year Job!
They're from the government and they're here to help us ... for a price — a very big price. ...
Pixie Dust, Treason, & Spies
“Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama will try to jump-start economic links this week as Russia’s president travels to Silicon Valley and Washington, building on improved political ties after the...
Facebook: Are You Interfacing with the Russian Mafia & KGB?
Andrey Ternovskiy, one of Russia's wunderkind Internet entrepreneurs, is being courted by venture capitalists the world over. To get access to cash he needn't leave Moscow, but he doesn't...
Repealing ObamaCare
Repealing ObamaCare is not an option — it is absolutely essential. It is absolutely essential, that is, if the United States of America is to survive as a constitutional...
Vicky Pelaez: Agent of Influence Posing as Journalist
On July 8, Vicky Pelaez disembarked from a charter jet flight in Vienna, Austria — accompanied by U.S. Marshals. Pelaez was the only non-Russian among the ten spies deported...
“Breathing Pixie Dust” Investing in Russia
"Maybe I'm breathing the same pixie dust, but there's real momentum for this," says Esther Dyson, in a June 25 online article for Foreign Policy magazine reporting on Russian...
Obama’s Russia Adviser Michael McFaul and the Russian Spies
The mainstream media have been quick to write off the recent Russian spy scandal as an inconsequential matter, a case of the gang that couldn't shoot straight. These were...
Singing With the Spies: Putin’s Image Makers Strike Again
What's next for Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin? A guest appearance as a celebrity contestant on Dancing With the Stars? If so, there are sure to be plenty of...