William F. Jasper, Author at The New American - Page 75 of 81
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About: William F. Jasper

William F. Jasper

Senior editor William F. Jasper is an author/journalist/commentator/documentary producer with a well-earned reputation as one of America’s top investigative reporters, most renowned for his in-depth, years-long investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and its aftermath. For more than three decades he served as an accredited correspondent at the United Nations in New York and UN summits around the world.

A Good Offense

Individual freedoms are being engulfed by a wave of big-government legislation and judicial activism. Dr. Michael Farris stands in defense of freedom by going on the offense. ...

Lysenkoism at OSU?

In the annals of politicized science, Trofim Lysenko provides a supreme example of ignorance and ignominy wedded to power. Lysenko was a two-bit horticulturist who rose to great prominence...

Libya: One Quagmire Too Far?

Is Libya one quagmire too far? The United Nations Security Council's passage of a  resolution on March 17 imposing a no-fly zone over Libya is forcing us to confront...

“Lysenkoism” at OSU?

In the annals of politicized science, Trofim Lysenko provides a supreme example of ignorance and ignominy wedded to power. Lysenko was a two-bit horticulturist who rose to great prominence...