About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Obama, Froman Use Ukraine to Push U.S.-EU Merger
U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman calls for TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) to be as strong as NATO. ...
Ukraine: Globalists Hijack Crisis for More Money, Power for IMF
The U.S. Senate aid package to Ukraine includes a massive funding boost to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but House leaders say "keep IMF out" of the package. ...
Polls: Americans Repeatedly Say “No!” to U.S. Intervention in Ukraine
Even using Hitler references and “appeasement” terminology fails to prod Americans into supporting an active role for the United States in Central Europe's Ukrainian fray. ...
Putin Annexes Crimea; Ukraine Denounces Move as “Robbery”
The Crimea referendum resembles a typical Communist vote, with a claimed 96.8-percent approval of seceding from Ukraine, joining Russia. ...
George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil
Billionaire activist’s funding aids the one-world agenda to subvert genuine Ukrainian independence aspirations and trap Ukraine in the socialist EU/IMF perpetual debt trap. ...
Ukraine Behind the Headlines: Disinformation, Manipulation, Propaganda
Neither the Putin regime and its KGB-run Russian media nor the Obama/Kerry regime and their CFR-run media choir are telling the truth about the unfolding events in Ukraine. ...
Ben Bernanke Richly Rewarded for Speech at Abu Dhabi Conference
Former Fed chief paid “at least $250,000” for 40-minute speech; media shills say he's worth it — and more. ...
Ukraine: New Interim Government; Too Many Familiar Faces
Many Ukrainians are outraged as the same billionaire oligarchs and Communist-era politicians take charge in Kiev. ...
“Anti-violence” Piers Morgan’s Sole Defender: Violent Alec Baldwin
Piers Morgan hosts Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok without mention of SPLC's role in homosexual terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins' attempted mass murder attack on a pro-family group. ...
Will Not Even Liberals Mourn Piers Morgan’s Departure From CNN?
Near universal glee has greeted news that rude, anti-gun, anti-American Brit Piers Morgan is losing his TV platform at CNN. ...
Obama Presses “North American Union” With Mexico, Canada
The Obama administration seeks to expand “post-NAFTA” hemispheric integration with Canada and Mexico through the secretive and dangerous Trans-Pacific and Transatlantic “trade” agreements. ...
“Science Guy” Bill Nye Mixes Up North/South Poles in Climate Debate
The so-called “Science Guy” and celebrity global warming alarmist Bill Nye presents many erroneous “facts” in his climate change arguments. ...
EU Eyes Confiscation of Personal Savings, Pension Plans
As we have warned, governments and central banks all over the world are getting ready to plunder savings accounts and pensions to fund ongoing spending binges and mounting debts....
EU Bosses Step Up Bullying, Propaganda to Combat Euroskepticism
The EU’s ruling elites in Brussels are going all out for the May European Parliament elections, attempting to expand their powers throughout the continent and beat back a growing...
Bank Bailouts Without End
In 2008, many banks were deemed “too big to fail,” and government (taxpayers) bailed them out. Since then, bankers and bureaucrats have insisted the money keep flowing. ...