About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
“Love Trumps Hate!” — And if You Disagree, WE’LL KILL YOU!
“Love Trumps Hate! Love Trumps Hate!” is the Orwellian mantra screamed by hateful, violent anti-Trump "demonstrators," as they physically attack peaceful fellow citizens. ...
Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican
Did the Obama White House, the National Security Agency (NSA), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) force conservative Pope Benedict to resign in order to get pro-Marxist Pope Francis?...
Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour Under Fire for Radical Islamist-Terrorist Ties
Leftist media, feminists rush to her aid, denounce legitimate criticism as “Islamophobia,” “hate.” ...
Anti-Trump “Women’s March” — Celebrity Profanity, Media Duplicity
Hateful, incendiary rants from Madonna, Ashley Judd; Media cover up communist parties, radical groups sponsoring-promoting-organizing the event. ...
PRESIDENT TRUMP — Protests Fizzle, Fail to Stop Inauguration
Although protesters failed to have any effect on President Trump's inauguration Friday, organizers vow to continue their disruptions. ...
Inauguration or Coup: Which Will It Be?
As Inauguration Day comes down to the wire, the moves of globalists and intel chiefs point to frightening prospects. ...
The Real “Fake News”
“Fake News!” “Fake News!” It has been deliciously amusing to behold the unmitigated hypocrisy of left-wing politicians and their establishment media collaborators expressing hysterical alarm over the supposed existential...
N.Y. Times Aids Communist-socialist-feminist-LGBT-anarchist Plans for Inauguration Day Mayhem
The New York Times, along with the Washington Post, CNN, NBC, and the rest of the Big Media echo chamber, are stoking the “protest” fires, hoping, apparently, for real fire...
Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”
A long-suppressed CBS interview of unrepentant George Soros admitting he was a Holocaust helper further demolishes his credibility to pose as the “conscience of the world” and a champion...
Global Warming Alarmist NY Times Discovers Cold Is 17 Times Deadlier
But don’t expect the Times to pull back on its non-stop global-warming propaganda and fake news. ...
Fake News of Polar Bears Dying From Global Warming Exposed — Again
How many times do top game biologists have to expose this bogus alarm before the media fright peddlers drop it? ...
Biggest Fake News Story: Global Warming and Phony Consensus
The discredited Big Media are doubling down against Trump to save the UN pact that would transfer trillions of dollars to socialist regimes and favored “green” corporations. ...
FAKE NEWS: Media Hysteria Over Irrelevant Fake Websites Masks More Sinister Agenda
The real aims of the establishment media’s “fake news” alarm are to delegitimize Trump’s election, while also demonizing and censoring anti-globalist media websites. ...
FAKE NEWS: Big Media’s False Claims on Russian Hacking Fail to Stop Trump — Again
The mainstream media flowed to the leftist narrative that 37 electors would defect from Trump for election hacking and issues of competence, but only two did: twice as many...
Anti-Trump Riots: Follow the Money
George Soros, Alex Soros, Jonathan Soros, Tom Steyer, Donald Sussman, Herb and Marian Sandler, and Michael Bloomberg: What do these and other billionaire Democratic Party donors have in common...