About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Top Climate Alarm “Scientist”: Get Rid of Cars, Coal, Steel — or It’s the End of the World
Back to the Stone Age: Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, a top climate alarmist for Germany, the UN, the European Union, and the Vatican, says scientists must “take to the streets”...
Team Trump’s Troubling Tentacles: The Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid
After repeatedly attacking Senator Ted Cruz and Secretary Hillary Clinton for their financial ties to Goldman Sachs, President Trump now appears on track to appoint a record number of...
Obama Redux? Trump Sends Marines, Rangers Into Syria
President Trump has deployed Marines attached to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit and soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment to Syria to intensify the assault of American-backed forces...
More Dangerous China Trade? Globalist Push vs. Trump Promise
The Chinese Chamber of Commerce Gala in January in New York City and the March 18-20, 2017 China Development Forum in Beijing, show the Council on Foreign Relations globalists...
Disney’s New “Beauty & the Beast”: More LGBTQ Propaganda From the Magick Queendom
What next? A Brokeback Mountain version of Old Yeller? A transgendered Mickey Mouse? Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner starring in the father role in a remake of Swiss Family Robinson? Don’t...
Trump’s “Muslim Ban” and Media Myths, Lies, and Censorship
The “Muslim Ban” that wasn't. President Trump has been accused of instituting an unprecedented unconstitutional ban on Muslim immigrants that was so flagrant that it was immediately overturned by...
“Organic” Foods From China? Buyer Beware!
Communist China’s takeovers of our tool, electronics, clothing, and other consumer markets are alarming enough, but Beijing’s accelerating inroads into our food sector are deadly scary. ...
STICKER SHOCK! Cost of UN Climate Pact: $100 TRILLION
Danish environmentalist/statistician Bjørn Lomborg says the UN Paris Climate Agreement would cost an astronomical $100 trillion — while only producing a 0.3 degree temperature reduction by 2100. ...
Congress Investigates Fraudulent Science Used by NOAA to Push UN Global Warming Treaty
Rep. Lamar Smith is leading an effort to force the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to release cooked data President Obama and his media allies used to garner...
The Terrorists Among Us: Rarely Mentioned Not-so-peaceful Refugees and Immigrants
The truth is a large number of Muslim refugees, immigrants, and illegal aliens have been convicted of terrorism, terrorism-related crimes, and horrific rape and murder crimes; but the pro-open...
“Love Trumps Hate!” (And if you disagree, WE’LL KILL YOU!)
“Love trumps hate! Love trumps hate!” So chanted the belligerent anti-Trump throngs, as they linked arms to illegally block American citizens — men, women, young people, and children, including...
Supreme Hypocrisy: Schumer’s Newly Discovered Reverence for the Constitution
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer suggests he’ll obstruct confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch because (he says) it’s his duty to uphold the Constitution and the...
Foundations: Cutting Off the Toxic Funding Flow
If the deadly schemes of the giant tax-exempt foundations are to be stopped — and they must be — we must learn from the failed attempts of the past...
Democracy Alliance: Soros Billionaires Club for Revolution
Even as Democrats publicly and loudly decry corporatist political “dark money,” billionaire Democrats and other donors funnel hundreds of millions to radical and violent causes. ...
George Soros: The “God” Who Should Be Jailed
George Soros, who fancies himself a god and intends to remake the world, is the Lord of Chaos and pursues a world order that is demonic, not divine. ...