About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Al Gore, “Energy Hog” Hypocrite
Though Al Gore pushes plans that will cause huge rises in energy costs, causing the poor and middle class to drastically cut back on energy usage, he guzzles electricity....
Climate Alarmists Go Hysterical as Their Theory Melts Down
Science has been exposing one global-warming falsehood after another. Predictably, the $1 trillion-a-year climate-alarmist industry is screaming. ...
Pelosi FINALLY Condemns Antifa – Still Waiting for Obama, Clinton, Schumer, Feinstein, Warren …
Apparently responding to political heat for her public statements defaming Patriot Prayer and inciting Antifa violence against this peaceful, multiracial group, Rep. Nancy Pelosi is the first nationally prominent...
Leftist Dartmouth “Antifa Expert” Draws Academic Fire — and Support
Faculty supporters of Dartmouth College lecturer Dr. Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, are whining that Bray, who supports Antifa's physical violence, is being abused because of...
Liberal Media: Cheerleaders for “Antifa” Communist Thugs
The deadly Charlottesville riot, in which neo-Nazis (national socialists) clashed with Antifa communists (international socialists) is being used by the establishment media to glorify violent Antifa criminals as heroic...
Media Echo Chamber After Trump’s Phoenix Speech: “We’re So Afraid”
The establishment media “crybullies” whine that President Trump’s speech at a Phoenix rally has them in fear for their lives. ...
Fake News Fails to Comprehend
Even as left-wing news outlets, such as PBS, wonder aloud why the public distrusts them, they call anyone who disagrees with them vile names and celebrate leftist violence. ...
Let’s Talk Tolerance and Civility
The political Left prides itself on its “tolerance” and “civility,” while almost across the board demonstrating hate, incivility, intolerance, and hypocrisy. ...
“Energy Hog” Al Gore: New Film Flops, But He’s Still Living Large
Al Gore, whose energy-squandering Nashville home earned him an "energy hog" rating, has a hypocritically large carbon footprint. This, along with the public's fear fatigue over global warming fright-peddling,...
Report Explodes Global-warming Alarmism — “Adjusted” Data Accounts for All the Hyped Temperatures
New peer-reviewed study shows the main climate data providers have been persistently altering the data to support their global-warming alarmism. ...
Media Duplicity on Civility
Highly placed Democratic operatives have been caught in hidden-camera sting operations telling how they encourage violence at Trump rallies, yet the media blames Trump fans. ...
China’s Mystery Man Dumps $18 Billion Into N.Y. “Charity”
What are Scaramucci-Goldman Sachs-Blackstone-Trump ties to a virtually unknown “investor” in HNA Group, the shadowy Communist Chinese conglomerate? ...
Federal Indian Policy: “Mom Always Liked YOU best!”
Federal policies under the Indian Reorganization Act have corrupted state, local, and tribal politics, and placed the vast majority of American citizens in second-class status behind the tribes. The Trump...
Climate “Scientists” in Panic: Real Debate and Fact Checking Will Expose “Consensus” Fraud
“Dangerous.” “Un-American.” Climate activists and their media promoters are ranting and sputtering in an epic meltdown as Trump administration and responsible scientists propose a Red Team-Blue Team review of...
EU Refugee Flood — Globalists Double Down, Push More
The European Union’s previous migrant-refugee tsunamis have already left the region awash in crises: terror attacks, crime waves, riots, Islamification, skyrocketing welfare costs, unemployment, social turmoil, and Muslim no-go...