About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Censoring Anti-Mask Billboards Backfires, Birch Society Freedom Message Sails On
The COVID Mask Nazis made an advertising giant capitulate, but undeterred freedom advocates are forging ahead anyway. ...
Directing the Disorder
The Council on Foreign Relations is the Deep State powerhouse undoing and remaking our world. ...
Letters To The Editor
Shutting Down Churches My husband, Judge Roy Moore, receives The New American and agrees wholeheartedly with your viewpoints. A recent article entitled “Pandemic Response Makes Liberty Sick in the...
VIDEO: COVID-Deranged Shoppers Harass, Assault Teens For Not Wearing Masks at Walmart
Mask-shaming gets violent as unhinged mask-wearing woman goes berserk; unmasked boys stay cool, catch frenzy on camera. ...
The Biden Endorsement Menagerie: Traitors, Terrorists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Jihadists, Abortionists, Perversionists
The Biden Fan Club: “Hanoi Jane” Fonda, Bernie Sanders, Communist Party USA, AOC, Planned Parenthood, Hollywood radicals, etc. ...
This Is What Mobocracy Looks Like
The recent riots, looting, and the occupation of part of Seattle are what “democracy” looks like. Which is why our Founders denounced democracy and gave us the rule of...
Jailbreak: Hamstringing the Police
Leftist politicians and their laws and policies are guaranteeing a revolving-door “catch and release” justice system that rewards criminals and endangers the innocent. ...
Lethal Lockdowns: The WHO-CDC Global Genocide
The COVID “cure” will prove to be far more deadly than the much-hyped, much-feared coronavirus. ...
Dear Costco, Here’s My Membership Card. Stuff it!
Dear Costco, Here’s My Membership Card. Stuff it! On May 4, retail giant Costco began requiring all employees and customers to wear face masks while inside their stores. Costco...
Armed Citizens Defend Town: “Rioters, Looters KEEP OUT!”
Spokane smolders while Coeur d'Alene is calm, peaceful. ...
Correction, Please!
Coronavirus Serves as Pretext for Larger, More Invasive Government Item: The cover story and feature editorial in the Economist’s issue for March 28-April 3 focus on the response to...
The COVID “Cure” Is More Deadly Than the Disease
The COVID-19 lockdowns are more deadly than the virus, causing far more people to die from famine, depression, suicide, and failure to get needed medical treatment. ...
Dear Costco, Here’s My Membership Card. Stuff it!…
Dear Costco, your Maoist mandatory facemask policy has taken your “Made in China” trend one step too far. Please refund the pro rata portion of my membership dues. ...
Backlash to Idaho Governor’s Stay-at-home Extension and Arrests
Idaho Governor Brad Little is feeling heat from citizens who are fed up with his stay-at-home executive order that is violating their rights, destroying their livelihoods, and endangering their...