TNA Video, Author at The New American - Page 32 of 44
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Get U.S. OUT of the UN!

VIDEO - The U.S. government should immediately withdraw from the United Nations "dictators club" before the situation gets even worse. As The New American's Alex Newman explains in this...

Phasing Out the Federal Reserve

VIDEO - Constitutional expert Robert Brown discusses possible directions towards abolishing the Federal Reserve. With the Federal Reserve's strong influence over the market, Brown sees abolishment as a needed...

The Freedom Index 2017

VIDEO - With the release of the newest Freedom Index, John Larabell and Christian Gomez cover the votes that were tabluated as well as highlight results of particular interest. ...

Researcher Warns of Technocracy Takeover

VIDEO - Researcher and author Patrick Wood talks with Alex Newman about the dangers of technocracy. Among the dangers, Wood explains where the system originated from and due to...