About: Thomas Sowell

Attacking the Truth

Among the many sad signs of our time are the current political and media attacks on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, for speaking the plain truth on a subject...

Christmas Gifts

People who want to buy Christmas gifts, without having to confront the crowds at the local shopping mall (or shopping maul) can take a load off their feet by...

A Resurgence of Intolerance

There is no compelling reason for either parents or donors to keep shelling out money to colleges and universities where intolerant professors and student activists impose their ideology on...

Random Thoughts

Some financial institutions may be considered "too big to fail," but contemporary Western society may be too frivolous to survive. ...

Stop the Bleeding

There was a painful irony when France's immediate response to the terrorist attacks in Paris was to close the borders. If they had closed the borders decades ago, they...

The Ben Carson Flaps

The moment Dr. Carson entered the political arena it became inevitable that the media would try to discredit him, since any prominent conservative black figure is a threat to...

Ignoring the Obvious

A recent, widely publicized incident in which a policeman was called to a school classroom to deal with a disruptive student has provoked all sorts of comments on whether...

Hillary 2.0

Many people may share Senator Bernie Sanders' complaint that he was tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton's e-mails. But the controversy is about issues far bigger than e-mails. ...

Politicians’ Words

Whether in politics or in the media, words are increasingly used, not to convey facts or even allegations of facts, but simply to arouse emotions. ...

Open Season on the Police

In recent months there have been a series of cases reported in the media, where some teenage thug — white, black or Hispanic in different cases — has been...

The “Gun Control” Farce

The zealotry of gun control advocates might make some sense if they had any serious evidence that more restrictive gun control laws actually reduce gun crimes. But they seldom...

Charlatans and Sheep: Part III

The prevailing social dogma of our time — that economic and other disparities among groups are strange, if not sinister — has set off bitter disputes between those who...

Charlatans and Sheep: Part II

One of the secrets of successful magicians on stage is directing the audience's attention to something that is attractive or distracting, but irrelevant to what is actually being done....

Charlatans and Sheep

Charlatans are only half the story. The other half includes people who are gullible enough to be led around like sheep by those exploiting the prevailing political correctness dispensed...