Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 18 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Entitlement Reforms

In both Europe and America, there are many people who get angry at those who tell them the truth that the money is just not there to sustain huge...

Insurance: Risky Business

Insurance is all about risk. Yet neither insurance companies nor their policy-holders can do anything about one of the biggest risks — namely, interference by politicians, to turn insurance...

Harlem Then and Now

Books about the history of Harlem have long fascinated me — my favorite being When Harlem Was in Vogue by David Levering Lewis. However, a more recent book, titled...

Sports Versus Politics

It has long seemed to me that there is far more rationality in sports, and in commentaries on sports, than there is in politics and in commentaries on politics....

Big Lies in Politics

Perhaps the biggest lie of this election year, and the one likely to be repeated the most often, is that the income of "the rich" is going up, while...

Obama’s Rhetoric

Barack Obama's great rhetorical gifts include the ability to make the absurd sound not only plausible, but inspiring and profound. His latest verbal triumph was to say on July...

The Leftist Attack on Achievement

There was a time, within living memory, when the achievements of others were not only admired but were often taken as an inspiration for imitation of the same qualities...

Are Race Riots News?

In the middle of the 20th century, Sri Lanka had a level of mutual respect and even friendship between its majority and minority communities that was rightly held up...

Obama’s Class Warfare Rhetoric

Anyone who wants to study the tricks of propaganda rhetoric has a rich source of examples in the statements of President Barack Obama. On Monday, July 9th, for example,...