Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 14 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Genes and Racism

During decades of watching both collegiate and professional football, I have seen hundreds of touchdowns scored by black players — but not one extra point kicked by a black...

Immigration Sophistry

Why are there immigration laws in the first place? For the benefit of the American people — not for the benefit of people in other countries who want to...

Tests and Tiger Moms

Unfortunately, we are at a stage where the interests of race hustlers is to cry "unfair" at the tests — and they have a lot more political clout than...

Middle East ‘Democracy’

The Obama administration treated the creation of "democracy" in the Middle East as a Good Thing. Ironically, those who created the United States of America viewed democracy with fear...

Guns Save Lives

If guns cost more lives than they save, we can always repeal the Second Amendment. But if guns save more lives than they cost, we need to know that,...

‘Me Too’ Republicans

Many ideas presented as "new" are just rehashes of old ideas that have been tried before — and have failed before. So it is no surprise that the recent...

Can It Happen Here?

The decision of the government in Cyprus to simply take money out of people's bank accounts there sent shock waves around the world. People far removed from that small...

Gifted Hands

A remarkable book titled Gifted Hands tells the personal story of Benjamin Carson, a black kid from the Detroit ghetto who went on to become a renowned neurosurgeon. ...

Intellectuals and Race: Part IV

Multiculturalism, like the caste system, paints people into the corner where they happened to have been born. But at least the caste system does not claim to benefit those...

Intellectuals and Race: Part III

Both the intellectuals' theory of genetic determinism as the reason for group differences in outcomes and their opposite theory of discrimination as the reason have created racial and ethnic...

Intellectuals and Race: Part II

Once we recognize that large differences in achievement among races, nations and civilizations have been the rule, not the exception, throughout recorded history, there is at least some hope...

Intellectuals and Race

Both the Progressives at the beginning of the 20th century and the liberals at the end started from the same false premise — namely, that there is something unusual...

Economic Mobility

Most people are not even surprised any more when they hear about someone who came here from Korea or Vietnam with very little money, and very little knowledge of...

Budget Politics

If Obama succeeds in maneuvering the Republicans into positions that cause them to lose control of the House of Representatives in the 2014 elections, then as a president who...