Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 11 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Fact-free Liberals: Part 3

Fifty years and trillions of dollars after the "war on poverty" was launched, it is painfully clear that there is more dependency than ever. ...

Fact-free Liberals: Part 2

Words seem to carry far more weight than facts among those liberals who argue as if rent control laws actually control rents and gun control laws actually control guns....

Fact-free Liberals

Someone summarized Barack Obama in three words — "educated," "smart" and "ignorant." Unfortunately, those same three words would describe all too many of the people who come out of...

Politics Versus Education

Anyone who has still not yet understood the utter cynicism of the Obama administration in general, and Attorney General Eric Holder in particular, should look at the Justice Department's...

The “Trickle-Down” Lie

If there is ever a contest for the biggest lie in politics, the claim that anyone actually advocates a "trickle-down" policy should be a top contender. ...

Hit Piece Journalism

Like the corrupt French official in the movie classic Casablanca, the New York Times is "shocked, shocked" to discover that consultants get paid defending the kinds of people that the...

A New Year and Old Problems

ObamaCare looms large and menacing on our horizon. What ObamaCare has done, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts' Supreme Court decision, is reduce us all from free citizens to cowed...

Christmas Books

One of the ways of buying gifts for family and friends, without becoming part of a mob scene in the stores, is to shop on the Internet. Books are...

A Challenge to Our Beliefs

The usual explanations about why black students score far below white students in America may need rethinking, in light of radically different news from England showing poor black students...

The War Against Achievement

The very word "achievement" has been replaced by the word "privilege" in many writings of our times. Individuals or groups that have achieved more than others are called "privileged"...

Race-hustling Results: Part II

So long as the race industry — the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, and their counterparts in various minorities — can get political or financial mileage out of being offended,...

Race-hustling Results

Some people try to explain why Asians, and Asian-Americans, succeed so well in education and in the economy by some special characteristics that they have. That may be true,...

A Return to Keynes?

Janet Yellen, a former professor of economics at Berkeley, has openly proclaimed her views on economic policy, and those views deserve very careful scrutiny. ...