Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 10 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Moral Bankruptcy in our Schools

To squander the time of poor kids, for whom education is often their only hope of escaping poverty, is truly an irresponsible self-indulgence by adults who should know better,...

Will Dunbar Rise Again?

Dunbar High School in Washington is becoming a controversial issue again — and the controversy that is beginning to develop has implications for American education well beyond the District...

Politics Versus Education

Of all the cynical frauds of the Obama administration, few are so despicable as sacrificing the education of poor and minority children to the interests of the teachers' unions....

The High Cost of Liberalism

Trying to live in the kind of world that liberals envision has costs that will not go away just because these costs are often ignored by liberals. ...

A Halo for Selfishness

The recent Supreme Court decision over-ruling some Federal Election Commission restrictions on political campaign contributions has provoked angry reactions on the left. That is what often happens whenever the...

Republicans and Blacks

Too many Republicans seem to think that the way to "reach out" is to offer blacks and other minorities what the Democrats are offering them. ...

The Left Versus Minorities

If anyone wanted to pick a time and place where the political left's avowed concern for minorities was definitively exposed as a fraud, it would be now — and...

Freedom Is Not Free

There may be something to the claim that all people want to be free. But it is a demonstrable fact that freedom has been under attack, usually successfully, for...

The “Fairness” Fraud

If equal probabilities of achieving some goal is your definition of fairness, then we should all get together and stipulate that life has never been fair, anywhere or any...

Republicans to the Rescue?

The latest bright idea among Republicans inside the Beltway is a new version of amnesty that is virtually certain to lose votes among the Republican base and is unlikely...

The Inequality Bogeyman

Despite the preoccupation — if not obsession — of intellectuals with equality, we are all very unequal in what we do well and what we do badly. ...

Fact-free Liberals: Part 4

One of the things that attracted me to the political left, as a young man, was a belief that leftists were for "the people." Fortunately, I was also very...