About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
H-1B Program Using Universities to Expand
American colleges and universities provide a gaping loophole to expand the number of foreign workers under the H-1B program, thereby increasingly taking away jobs from qualified U.S. professionals. ...
Legislators Move to Protect First Amendment at University of Missouri
A majority of the Missouri State Legislature has moved to protect freedom of the press on the campus of the University of Missouri, leading some liberals to claim that...
Santorum Attacks Cruz and the Pauls Over the 10th Amendment
Former Senator Rick Santorum has selected an odd issue over which to attack fellow Republicans Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul, along with former Congressman Ron Paul. He...
State Department Touts “Bringing Peace” to Syria Among 2015 Successes
Incredibly, a State Department spokesman recently announced that among the department’s major accomplishments in 2015 was “bringing peace” to war-torn Syria. ...
Government Imposes Secular Values
Conservatives rightly complain about the federal government going beyond its enumerated powers in the U.S. Constitution, but state and local governments across the nation are also implementing the secular...
Massachusetts Judge Tells Catholic School to Hire Homosexuals
A Roman Catholic school in Massachusetts has been ordered by a Superior Court judge to hire homosexuals for non-teaching positions. ...
Obama Poised to Use Executive Orders to Attack Gun Rights
The president is giving every signal that he is poised to make use once again of an executive order to require all persons “in the business” of selling firearms...
UN’s IAEA Drops Investigation of Iran’s Alleged Secret Nuclear Program
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has investigated for years whether Iran was working secretly to develop a nuclear weapons capability, decided Tuesday to end its investigation and...
Are Rand Paul and Ted Cruz Isolationists?
Presidential candidates Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have been called isolationists. Are they, and just what is one? ...
Paul Ryan, John Boehner: What’s the Difference?
Fiscal conservatives who hoped House Speaker Paul Ryan would put up more of a fight against President Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats have reason to be disappointed with...
Paul Ryan-led House: Spending, Capitulation to Democrats, and Rising Debt Continue
Paul Ryan may have replaced John Boehner as speaker of the House, but the spending continues, the capitulation to the Democrats never ceases, and the national debt is still...
Obama to New U.S. Citizens: Syrian Refugees Like Jewish Refugees of WWII
Speaking at a ceremony of naturalized citizens, Obama reveals why he favors so much more immigration — he wants a "new" America. ...
Oklahoma School District Keeps Redskins Mascot
McLoud schools in Oklahoma are keeping the Redskins mascot, but why does the Left insist on dropping such nicknames? ...
Two College Presidents: Two Different Views of Concealed Carry on Campus
Jerry Falwell, Jr., president of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, has called for students to arm themselves to prevent terrorist attacks on campus. On the other side of the coin,...
BBC Censors Skepticism of Human-caused Climate Change
The action of the BBC demonstrates the preferred method of advancing the anthropogenic (man-made) climate change theory: censoring any opposing views. ...