About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
More Than Ok on Oklahoma
This history text about the people and events of Oklahoma’s past is a lively, politically incorrect, and accurate telling — covering killing, corruption, and “causes.” ...
Anti-Trump Activists Threaten Presidential Electors
Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election, but radicals are now trying to intimidate electors to change their votes in order to overturn the results. ...
Did Obama’s Overtures to Castro Cost Clinton Florida?
The desire of President Obama to open trade with Communist Cuba, with the full support of Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton, may have cost the Democrats Florida — the...
Mike Pompeo, Trump’s CIA Pick, Is No Civil Libertarian
For Americans concerned about civil liberties, due process of law, and government spying on its own citizens, the selection of Mike Pompeo to the directorship of the CIA provides...
Trump Considering Ted Cruz for Attorney General
Trump is making his Cabinet selections, and the name of his chief rival for the Republican nomination, Ted Cruz, has popped up in discussion for the post of attorney...
Trump Has Huge Opportunity To Kill NAFTA
The provisions of NAFTA may very well allow President Trump to act on his own to change tariff rates, force negotiations to modify the pact, or even withdraw the...
Globalists Tell Trump That Climate Deal Is Irreversible; It’s Not!
Globalists are warning President-elect Donald Trump to break his campaign promise to abandon the Paris Agreement on Global Climate Change, insisting that Obama's commitment to the pact is "irreversible."...
Chicago Joins With Other Sanctuary Cities Vowing Defiance of Trump
Chicago and other sanctuary cities have claimed that they will continue to protect illegal aliens from deportation, despite the announced intention of President-elect Donald Trump to cut off their...
Electoral College: the Founders’ Intent, and Modern Reality
Some argue that the Electoral College does not operate as the Founders intended. The same could be said of much of the Constitution, but election of the president by...
Folly of Getting Rid of the Electoral College
Commentators often remark on the supposed "problems" of the Electoral College, but they show little understanding of the problems of replacing it with a direct popular vote as a...
Globalists Admit Trump Election Is Serious Challenge
Globalists are concerned about the rising tide of resistance to their policies of open borders, overseas commitments, and globalist political structures, and they are preparing to counter-attack. ...
Will Lame-duck Obama Implement More Radical Agenda Items Before End of Term?
Obama's term is now short. Will he use what time he has left to ramp up the advancement his left-wing agenda? ...
Chinese Steadily Buying U.S. Entertainment Businesses
Joseph Stalin said he could convert the entire world to communism if he were given control of the American movie industry. Now the Chinese communists are steadily making moves...
Correcting Constitutional Chaos
U.S. Senator Mike Lee explains not only why America should adhere to the Constitution, but how she can, though judges and politicians are doing their best to subvert it...
Obama Administration Mandate Ordering “Sex Change” Surgeries Is Challenged
Doctors and states are taking the Obama Department of Health and Human Services to court for its rule ordering them to perform "sex-change" surgeries. ...